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Forums - Gaming Discussion - VGChartz 360 Gamerscore League

Results are delayed due to the little flight adventure many of us have had today...
I won't be back home until late Friday...

Stuck in New York, tired, and sick of flying...

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My flight home just got called...

I will update the league tonight at the normal time... 11:30 PM... Everything is done, the 1x access I am getting at Kennedy just isn't good enough to post anything more than simple text...

F---, I hate flying...

I've never been a big fan of flying myself. Give me the open road and Opie and Anthony on XM radio any day of the week.

Good luck getting back NeoRatt.

I have wonderful news (nothing to do with the league though) and just wanted to share with you guys. After 6 months of looking for work. It seems like I will have an offer in hand around Tuesday next week. It will put a serious stop or at least a slowdown on my gaming time, but it is way better than the alternative.

I have something to add game/Modern Warfare 2 related.  Has anyone heard about plans to open up party chat in MW2.  I think it is rediculas to have to listen to the teenage D-bags talk about shit I dont care about!!!

Consoles: Atari 5200, NES, SNES, N64, Dreamcast, PS2, Gamecube, Wii, Xbox 360, PS3

I did a little digging here is a stupid fix for it.

1. Go to edit profile
2. Go to privacy settings
3. Go to voice and text
4. Select friends only

Consoles: Atari 5200, NES, SNES, N64, Dreamcast, PS2, Gamecube, Wii, Xbox 360, PS3

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Why are their blank posts in this thread? The first page doesn't have any words except in the first post.

gurglesletch said:
Why are their blank posts in this thread? The first page doesn't have any words except in the first post.

They are for format and design changes.  Neo can edit those posts when he has the need.  There is nothing wrong.  The leauge has had a number of different looks over the past year.

Consoles: Atari 5200, NES, SNES, N64, Dreamcast, PS2, Gamecube, Wii, Xbox 360, PS3

The league is up to date for this week.  Left 4 Dead is nearing a 10 point tournament and Assassin's Creed II made tournament status.

VGChartz 360 Gamerscore League
Gamerscore Rank True Achievement Rank League Rank MyGamerCard Leaderboard
  True Achievements Leaderboard League Rules  
Active Tournaments Platinum  Game Awards Current Hall of Fame Chartz
Potential Tournaments Platinum Games Past Hall of Fame Achievers of the Week

^Welcome back from New York Neo! I'm guessing that's where you were? JFK Airport?

@Jagen congratz on nailing that job in these bad economical times! What's your work? You pulling over 9,000?!

@Enamrah, you little pink glob!! 920 Gamerscore points?! Aggh must I chase you into the 40,000s?! At a 40 point lead per week it'll take me another year to overtake you ;( One day I will take the number twenty ONE headband!

-=Dew the disco dancing fo da Unco Graham=-

Grahamhsu said:

^Welcome back from New York Neo! I'm guessing that's where you were? JFK Airport?

@Jagen congratz on nailing that job in these bad economical times! What's your work? You pulling over 9,000?!

@Enamrah, you little pink glob!! 920 Gamerscore points?! Aggh must I chase you into the 40,000s?! At a 40 point lead per week it'll take me another year to overtake you ;( One day I will take the number twenty ONE headband!

JFK for about 15 hours...  I travel a lot in my job, but it still urks me when I am stuck somewhere.  There is no place like home...