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Onyxmeth said:
spdk1 said:
so here's a question, do you think that "Taker will drop his wrestlemania streak to Michaels?

It wouldn't make sense. Michaels doesn't need the push. It should go to an up and comer and it should be Taker's last Mania too.



I don't know, I think WWE would want Taker to lose his streak to someone who was respected in and out of the ring. The thing is, Michaels has spent the better part of his career (especially the more recent years) putting guys over. In that sense, it's hard to see him winning this match. Both guys are great but can't have many years left in the tank. Taker due to his size and the fact that he rarely takes extensive breaks and Michaels due to his various injuries. I'd say Taker wins, but it's a toss up.

Oh, and Batista is indeed awful. He rarely sells convincingly and his promo's are bottom of the barrel. 

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I watched WWE a long time ago.

Only wrestler who I ever liked was Sting, though Goldberg and DDP were sometimes entertaining.

Edit: Cancel that, I watched WCW.

I just finish watching Stone Cold v The rock at Wrestlemania 17. Watch a match! It was the match that ended the Attitude Era.


I think Wrestlemania 25 will be one of the best wrestlemanias since wrestlemania 23. I think the matches for this year are pretty good. I am mostly excited for Jeff Hardy v Matt Hardy match. Not to mention the fact that the match is Extreme Rules. I think that will be the best match of that night.



Still waiting on final stipulations to be added, but yeah, maina looks good. Curious to see who they bring back for the diva battle royal. The photo shows 19 current divas so that means 6 veterans will make appearances. I'm assuming Trish will be there, I hope she wins.

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tastyshovelware said:

Still waiting on final stipulations to be added, but yeah, maina looks good. Curious to see who they bring back for the diva battle royal. The photo shows 19 current divas so that means 6 veterans will make appearances. I'm assuming Trish will be there, I hope she wins.

I don't know if Sunny is in the picture, but I know she's competing in the battle royal. ECW fans will remember her as Tammy Sytch, who was Chris Candido's(RIP) wife.


Tag: Became a freaking mod and a complete douche, coincidentally, at the same time.

Did anyone know the 'mass transit incident' is on youtube? that's some sick shit.

tastyshovelware said:
Did anyone know the 'mass transit incident' is on youtube? that's some sick shit.

I've got that on some Best of New Jack tape I scored a long time ago off eBay. Also, yes it is some sick shit. I'm surprised Youtube allows it.


Tag: Became a freaking mod and a complete douche, coincidentally, at the same time.

man New Jack seems crazy nowadays

I can't wait until they give Christian a main event push.