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Forums - General Discussion - The Everything WWE Thread

I noticed the main event mafia thing is getting repetitive. Sting and Angle kept arguing and fighting for a while now. Then the question rises: Will Sting leave the MEM? Nope. Repeat the same for last month and this month.

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TNA has been getting a lot better. Mind you I'm a big fan, but anything since that fist MEM episode in Las Vegas to now is miles beyond what they were doing a few years ago. Their ratings have also been rising pretty sharply lately. I know a lot of ROH fans bitch that TNA was the best in 05, but that was the land of 5 minute Monty Brown (marcus cor von in wwe) squash matches.

I think we should make this the altogether pro wrestling thread

TNA needs to change their renevue or they will never expand as a huge company. They can't have almost every event in one arena. I think they need to make their storylines more interesting. Main Event Mafia is getting boring. They reminded me of the NWO. It was great, at first with the three original members, but soon enough everyone in WCW joined the group. I mostly care about WWE storylines. At least they are trying to make their new talent household names these days. The tag team division in the WWE seems to be back.



Agree with most everything you say. You should know that TNA holds a lot of house shows away from Orlando, but use the TNA arena for Impact cause they still aren't a great draw. It's a lot like when Eric Bischoff first got power in WCW and began to hold televised events in the Disney Arena.

TNA promos are almost always unwatchable. The best thing TNA has is the X Division. The most innovative wrestling around. It's just a shame no one ever sells anything.

I disagree with the wwe tag team division being back though. You know why the smackdown tag champs have faced the raw tag champs 4 times in the past month? cause there are no other tag teams worth watching.

Snake612 said:
TNA needs to change their renevue or they will never expand as a huge company. They can't have almost every event in one arena. I think they need to make their storylines more interesting. Main Event Mafia is getting boring. They reminded me of the NWO. It was great, at first with the three original members, but soon enough everyone in WCW joined the group. I mostly care about WWE storylines. At least they are trying to make their new talent household names these days. The tag team division in the WWE seems to be back.


the only thing I disagree about is their young talent.  lately they have been doing some dumb things like having Jack Swagger lose to Finlay, destroying his hype, and having Shane Mcmahon completely destroy their top heel stable, whith a bunch of crappy fake punches.  the latter was so bad that Orton had to come out and explain it away with "I knew the entire RAW roster would have beat me down.  Plus they have been aquiring tons of young talent like guys from ROH and Low-ki, only to completely bury them, or keep them off of TV like JImmy Wang Yang.  WWE kind of reminds me of WCW back when Hogan and his buddies ran the show, just replace Hogan with HHH.

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spdk1 said:

the only thing I disagree about is their young talent.  lately they have been doing some dumb things like having Jack Swagger lose to Finlay, destroying his hype, and having Shane Mcmahon completely destroy their top heel stable, whith a bunch of crappy fake punches.  the latter was so bad that Orton had to come out and explain it away with "I knew the entire RAW roster would have beat me down.  Plus they have been aquiring tons of young talent like guys from ROH and Low-ki, only to completely bury them, or keep them off of TV like JImmy Wang Yang.  WWE kind of reminds me of WCW back when Hogan and his buddies ran the show, just replace Hogan with HHH.

I agree to an extent but it's not that (WCW) bad. To be fair, most programs are going to have the top guy and the top stars. It is a shame they don't treat HHH like they treated Austin (97-99) and the Rock. Those guys were huge, not never unbeatable. Hell, the Rock couldn't hold on to a title to save his life.


my thoughts exactly, I always feel like they are trying to make you like HHH. I used to until he starting having the belt for 1 year increments. it just made it bland for me, I kind of wish he's be more like the Undertaker, and stand back a little bit.

so here's a question, do you think that "Taker will drop his wrestlemania streak to Michaels?

spdk1 said:
so here's a question, do you think that "Taker will drop his wrestlemania streak to Michaels?

It wouldn't make sense. Michaels doesn't need the push. It should go to an up and comer and it should be Taker's last Mania too.


Tag: Became a freaking mod and a complete douche, coincidentally, at the same time.

I agree, I was scared crapless Batista was going to get put over last year, glad that didn't happen. I know some love Batista, but he's a dick to fans, and that never flies with me. I've met a bunch of wrestlers and the ones that are generally nice always get more respect from me.