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I don't have any pictures unfortunately, but I've met Mideon, Mosh, New Jack, Test and Dawn Marie through various means. I personally know Curt Hawkins from WWE because we went to high school together so I've met Hornswoggle, Zack Ryder and Jesse through him.

Tag: Became a freaking mod and a complete douche, coincidentally, at the same time.

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Snake612 said:
Stone Cold Steve Austin farewell at Wrestlemania 25 was probably the best moment out of the whole show. It seem like the show, was just another pay per view. There's really no point of me watching wrestling anymore. Most of the wrestlers I grew watching during the attitude era have either retired or passed away. I think its best bet if I try watching something different. My years of watching wrestling have officially come to an end. I will probably only watch The Rock's Hall of Fame induction(whenever that is) and that's it. So I guess this is my final time posting in this thread.

So I toast to the WWE and all the years I have watched it.

WWE rules but WWF Forever.


My years of watching wrestling


That's a bummer. Still, there's no reason not to post here anymore. You can still bring up memory lane and classic matches/feuds you've enjoyed. I know you posted the TLC II match a couple days ago which is classic.

I can't remember the specific year, but I began watching wrestling when I was around 5 years old (1990). I can't remember if I liked the warrior or not, but I was never into Hogan. Much more of a jake the snake, mr perfect fan. I was a big wwf mark as a kid (which makes complete sense). Even though I knew wrestling was "fake," I completely bought it when earthquake "squashed" jake's pet python. I also thought jim duggan was near death when yokozuna delivered 4 banzai drops.

For the most part, I never liked wcw. I was however into Raven's flock. It's weird looking back and trying to remember who I really liked. Never an NWO fan. Not really into the Rock or Austin when they first hit the scene either (the rock has earned a retrospective place in my heart). I was defiantly into D-X and the new age outlaws. Dug Mick Foley despite being freaked out by the early mankind years (still around 11 at this point after all). Liked razor before he left for wcw. 

Around 99 I found out about ECW and got into all that. Big dudley boyz fan. Also liked RVD, justin credible, taz. 

Loved Jericho when he switched over to wwf. 

Then there came a point around 2002/2003 (end of high school) where I became bored with the product. I was bummed that ECW and WCW (out of principal) were gone. I didn't like that the Rock was "being a sell out." I didn't like roster split. I didn't like HHH. It was a lot of stuff.

It was during this time I became more interested in the business side of things. I began to watch shoot promos, biographies, documentaries. I also began to watch old matches (mainly ECW). Still, on the whole, my interest in wrestling hit a sharp decline.

That decline would last until august of 2008 when I just sorta got back into it. I realized that I missed the spectacle. I got over the fact that the attitude era had ended and the new ECW was really just the new sunday night heat. After years of becoming more aware of what went into the product, I was much more able to point out a good worker and what went into a good match. I was suddenly able to look at past wrestling matches and events much more objectively. 

favorite wrestlers to date: jake the snake, jericho, raven, taz, the dudleys, benoit, angle, the new age outlaws, miz and morrison, edge and christian, tajiri, super crazy, mick foley, mr perfect

Special shout outs go to: IRS, the repo man, the bushwhackers, the nasty boys, the texas tornado (kerry von erich), the rockers, brutus beefcake, the handbangers, shark boy (circa 2000), sick boy, wrestling buddies, wrestlemania 2000 for the N64, tables, owen heart (RIP), rick flair, royal rumble for the snes, wrestlefest for the arcade, the lion tamer, getting busted open the hard way, the undertaker, the wrestler, fans that give a shit, awesome signs in the crowd, great chants ("she's got herpes....), buff bagwell, RVD, Jerry lynn, justin credible, and chicks who can kick ass (gail kim vs trish stratus anyone?) 


I've met Chris Jericho (one of my favorite wrestlers), The Coach and Gregory Helms (The Hurricane) at a bar. My brother's band were playing, and there was a WWE event at our city. When the WWE show was over, those guys came over to the bar, and we took a picture. I'll try and find it. I'll never, ever forget the day I met Chris Jericho.

I also met La Parka when he was in AAA.

Onyxmeth said:

I don't have any pictures unfortunately, but I've met Mideon, Mosh, New Jack, Test and Dawn Marie through various means. I personally know Curt Hawkins from WWE because we went to high school together so I've met Hornswoggle, Zack Ryder and Jesse through him.


 lol i love new jack, although he would probably take my love, stab it and then eat it alive hahahahaha.  was he insane?


It has really been bad main event week for the wwe.

mania: hunter vs ortan
raw: vince vs ortan
ecw: dreamer vs christian vs henry vs finley

as far as show closing main events go, they're currently at 0-3

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just watched a bit of Wrestlemania yesterday:

the good:

the Hardy's match was awesome with some good spots
Taker v Michaels was the MOTN imho
Ricky the dragon still has it

the bad

Piper's hips make him no longer able to wrestle, he should have sat out.
The Divas match -- hey lets bury a whole division for comedy!
No tag match (dark match), furthering my assumption that Vince hates Tag matches

The Ugly

Kid Rock - 'nuff said
20 second IC title match
HHH refusing to be face, and screwing the match up

That Taker vs Micheals match was awesome as was Cena picking up 735 lbs of Big Show and Edge.

John Cena is awesome even though people hate him.Chain gang soldier 4LIFE.

ctk495 said:
John Cena is awesome even though people hate him.Chain gang soldier 4LIFE.

Theres massive hate for him, I rember during the HHH and Cena rivalry, HHH was the heel but they were cheering him and booing cena

here is an example of John Cena hate at an extreme:

especially with the shirt throw and the punch trading....LOL