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d21lewis said:
SaviorX said:
Undertaker is like 46-47 too.

Shawn Michaels is hands down one of the top 3. Hisin-ring PERFORMANCEisalways good to watch when he has the right opponent.

When he fights guys too big for him, he's a high-flying, high-octane scrapper.

When he fights guys around his size,he pulls out the standard arsenal,but is still fun to watch.

When he is fighting a technical wrestler, he gets technical. He is one of, if not the, all-around best wrestlers ever. I see the effort he puts into every match.

I just wish, they gave him a title already, even though he doesn't need it. HHH surely doesn't either, but yet he has it.

It is about time the younger guys start getting into the title picture. The is a dearth in charisma so WWE should (not need, but should) have more people in the title hunt with a legitimate chance to make up for that dearth. John Cena with the title again, really? I know he hasn't had it in a while, so he can have it now, but Ken Kennedy or Shelton Benjamin or Jeff Hardy (for more than a month) should have at least the World Heavyweight Championship around now.

Let them prove they are more than midcard, because people could change with a title. Often times, they prove themselves and get better.

WHAT!!  He won the title for the last two years (VS. Edge and Batista) at Wrestlemania!


He's talking about Shawn Michaels.


Tag: Became a freaking mod and a complete douche, coincidentally, at the same time.

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Onyxmeth said:
d21lewis said:
SaviorX said:
Undertaker is like 46-47 too.

Shawn Michaels is hands down one of the top 3. Hisin-ring PERFORMANCEisalways good to watch when he has the right opponent.

When he fights guys too big for him, he's a high-flying, high-octane scrapper.

When he fights guys around his size,he pulls out the standard arsenal,but is still fun to watch.

When he is fighting a technical wrestler, he gets technical. He is one of, if not the, all-around best wrestlers ever. I see the effort he puts into every match.

I just wish, they gave him a title already, even though he doesn't need it. HHH surely doesn't either, but yet he has it.

It is about time the younger guys start getting into the title picture. The is a dearth in charisma so WWE should (not need, but should) have more people in the title hunt with a legitimate chance to make up for that dearth. John Cena with the title again, really? I know he hasn't had it in a while, so he can have it now, but Ken Kennedy or Shelton Benjamin or Jeff Hardy (for more than a month) should have at least the World Heavyweight Championship around now.

Let them prove they are more than midcard, because people could change with a title. Often times, they prove themselves and get better.

WHAT!!  He won the title for the last two years (VS. Edge and Batista) at Wrestlemania!


He's talking about Shawn Michaels.


WHAT!!  Speak into my good ear!!


d21lewis said:
Onyxmeth said:
d21lewis said:
SaviorX said:
Undertaker is like 46-47 too.

Shawn Michaels is hands down one of the top 3. Hisin-ring PERFORMANCEisalways good to watch when he has the right opponent.

When he fights guys too big for him, he's a high-flying, high-octane scrapper.

When he fights guys around his size,he pulls out the standard arsenal,but is still fun to watch.

When he is fighting a technical wrestler, he gets technical. He is one of, if not the, all-around best wrestlers ever. I see the effort he puts into every match.

I just wish, they gave him a title already, even though he doesn't need it. HHH surely doesn't either, but yet he has it.

It is about time the younger guys start getting into the title picture. The is a dearth in charisma so WWE should (not need, but should) have more people in the title hunt with a legitimate chance to make up for that dearth. John Cena with the title again, really? I know he hasn't had it in a while, so he can have it now, but Ken Kennedy or Shelton Benjamin or Jeff Hardy (for more than a month) should have at least the World Heavyweight Championship around now.

Let them prove they are more than midcard, because people could change with a title. Often times, they prove themselves and get better.

WHAT!!  He won the title for the last two years (VS. Edge and Batista) at Wrestlemania!


He's talking about Shawn Michaels.


WHAT!!  Speak into my good ear!!


(Switching sides) Listen up you bastard! He is talking about Shawn Michaels! Not the Undertaker!

On a more calm note, I can't believe Michaels has been back for almost 7 years now and has held the title only once, and for only a month. It is about time he gets a damn title reign.


Tag: Became a freaking mod and a complete douche, coincidentally, at the same time.

Back in the day, I'd want the Rock to be champion so bad! I was ordering PPV's, quoting the Rock, and trying to do the people's eyebrow (I'm now blind in my left eye as a result....). The guy would win the championship from time to time, but I'll be damned if he could hold on to it for a couple of months. Around that time, I realized what the WWF was doing. The Rock was already over with the fans. He didn't need the championship to be a main eventer. Guys like Kurt Angle, HHH, and Chris Jericho were getting the title and the push.

Same goes for Michaels. I LOVE the guy. I even forgive him for screwing over Brett Hart (my favorite wrestler). But Michaels has done it all. He doesn't need the belt. Let Edge continue to establish himself, let Cena sell some merchandise, or let HHH stroke his own ego. To my surprise, the WWE knows exactly what it's doing with Shawn Michaels.


I actually looked up how long the rock's title reigns were a couple weeks back. He held the strap like 8 times but I think had it for 100+ days once which is crazy for a guy of his status. But like you said, he didn't need the strap to be over. It was all about the journey, people liked that up hill struggle.

Edge isn't nearly as over as the Rock was (and he's a heel) but they treat him the same way. Title on him one ppv, off him the next.

BTW d21lewis, thanks for all those links. I'm currently through the 3rd match in the card. I'll post my thoughts once I've finished.

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I hate wrestling.

We'll miss you George.



My friends call me Hadoken because I'm down-right fierce

You don't like big muscular dudes with flowing hair, roll around in their unwear? What kind of man are you?

What else do you hate, Domo-kun? I must know!!

American dad.

I tried to like it, I really did.

We'll miss you George.



My friends call me Hadoken because I'm down-right fierce

Have you guys heard of Botchamania? I've been lol'ing hard at these videos. There's about 70.


haha, thanks for that.

I'm just about media'd out for the day. ECW (hardcore homecoming) matches in the morning, mania during the day, college basketball at night. Probably going to push raw till tomorrow for the sake of my health.

1. Mania was good for the most part. I liked the MITB match. I didn't even mind the botched spots due to the stuff they were trying to pull off. It was more hit then miss anyway.

Kid rock would have stole 8 minutes of my life had I not had the ability to walk away from my computer.

2. The diva battle royal was unfortunate, despite how much I love santino(a) and his (her) antics. I would have much rather seen any or all of beth phoenix, gail kim, and michelle mccool in some sort of match and have that match get the 7 minutes the battle royal got. That should have been the lumberjack(jill) match.

BTW, the lumberjack part of the tag unification match was meant so everyone not booked could have a wrestlemania moment.... but then it went dark! jokes on you!

3. Jericho vs legends was another match that could have been trash but turned out alright. Jericho got to play up his coward heel bit and lay out four legends. Steamboat was great through. I'd love to see the same length match at backlash but with just jericho and steamboat. The rourke finish was fine. Predictable, but fine.

4. Matt vs Jeff was surprisingly good. Yes, it was a spotfest, but I don't mind that as long as there aren't too many matches that go in that direction.

5. JBL vs mysterio.... confusing stuff. They let rey beat JBL on raw in like 6 minutes, then have JBL lose the belt at mania in 21 seconds. I disapprove. JBL was strong on the mic as usual.

6. I'm surprised no one died during michaels vs undertaker. The match went a half hour and neither man looked to have an ounce of strength left. The show these guys put on overshadowed a few (scary) blown spots.

7. The three way dance was ok but suffered from having no real flow. Ended in a timely manner.

8. Trips vs Ortan wasn't bad.... It just didn't stand out in any way. When you look at the night, you have crazy spots in the MITB and Hardy matches, solid gimmick matches with Jericho and the three way, and an all out clinic put on my taker and michaels. On top of all that, you had Austin come out and get just an insane pop right before the final main event. But instead of a show stealer, it felt like a match that would close raw. Worst of all, it ended with the good guy scoring 2 minutes of straight offense with no retaliation before sealing the deal.

Overall cons: the tag titles going unaired, kid rock, the diva battle royal, the IC championship match, piper, and snuka

overall pros: MITB, the hardys, Taker vs. michaels, austin, steamboat, and jericho

somewhere in between: the three way, Trips vs Ortan, flair, and rourke

overall: 7/10