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You want to see a classic match here's one:




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Vince McMahon was not good commentary at all.

You want proof? Look up Goldust's debut match.

Leatherhat on July 6th, 2012 3pm. Vita sales:"3 mil for COD 2 mil for AC. Maybe more. "  thehusbo on July 6th, 2012 5pm. Vita sales:"5 mil for COD 2.2 mil for AC."

SaviorX said:
Vince McMahon was not good commentary at all.

You want proof? Look up Goldust's debut any match.

corrected :)


spdk1 said:
some TNA news:

TNa just set another ratings record - This week’s episode of iMPACT on Spike did a 1.3 cable rating, with 1.97 million viewers, the largest audience in history to witness a TNA show. This is nearly 100,000 more viewers than the previous high.

since Foley has showed up in TNA the company went from getting constant 1.0 ratings and 1-1.5 million viewers to 1.4's and an additional 500,000 viewers since january!


It's both exciting and sad to see TNA grow. Exciting because it's another brand and that's great for the business. Sad because what it had to do to get there. No longer pushing young talent as hard, no longer pushing the x division as hard. I know that the main event mafia are the most over bunch of guys in TNA, but I can't see how. Sting can't work it like he could 10 years ago and neither can Nash or Steiner. Booker T doesn't seem to speak english anymore and Angel is using the term "butt buddies." 

That being said, TNA is showing some growth lately in terms of match length and quality. Hopefully, they keep it up.


Also, my DVR is learning. I have raw, smackdown, and ecw set to record every week. I didn't have the hall of fame set to record but my DVR did it anyway which was neat. 

However, I also have my DVR set to record tna impact every week. Problem is, tna impact is now known as tna wrestling and my DVR was dumbfounded by the change so I missed out on tna this week.

The hall of fame ceremony was ok and like most things WWE on the USA channel, it went over (I've yet to see the end of Austin's speech but there's another showing at 10). It's weird cause the ceremony, just by existing, let's everyone know that wrestling is fake and a work (common knowledge, I know). So it was a little surreal to see Steamboat talk about his real life relationships and experiences and then call out Chris Jericho in a straight, no non sense manner. For a split second, fiction and reality collided. 


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^ yeah that made me cringe, its like on the DVD "Ric Flair and the four horsemen" most people that were interviewed just talk about storylines and what happened, then cut to Arn Anderson selling the whole thing as if was 100% real.

"thats when we decided to break dustys arm"

I was like....ugh

or the "new and improved DX" DVD where Eugene does an interview completely in character about DX.

tastyshovelware said:
spdk1 said:
some TNA news:

TNa just set another ratings record - This week’s episode of iMPACT on Spike did a 1.3 cable rating, with 1.97 million viewers, the largest audience in history to witness a TNA show. This is nearly 100,000 more viewers than the previous high.

since Foley has showed up in TNA the company went from getting constant 1.0 ratings and 1-1.5 million viewers to 1.4's and an additional 500,000 viewers since january!


It's both exciting and sad to see TNA grow. Exciting because it's another brand and that's great for the business. Sad because what it had to do to get there. No longer pushing young talent as hard, no longer pushing the x division as hard. I know that the main event mafia are the most over bunch of guys in TNA, but I can't see how. Sting can't work it like he could 10 years ago and neither can Nash or Steiner. Booker T doesn't seem to speak english anymore and Angel is using the term "butt buddies." 

That being said, TNA is showing some growth lately in terms of match length and quality. Hopefully, they keep it up.


One thing I can see happening is that I feel Sting will retire at Bound for Glory, and drop the title to AJ styles.  AJ is already incredibly over, and that would make him TNAs biggest draw hopefully.


my fvourite match of all time


watch the rest in youtube

hell yeah, 2:10, thats how you break a table



Yeah, that is a great match. I give Trips shit from time to time, but he works damn hard in this match. Foley is great too. Bang bang!

that is the best HHH match out there, Foley really put him over