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Forums - General Discussion - The Everything WWE Thread

Thatmax said:
.... Am I the only one who thinks that wrestling is absolutely terrible?!?!?

I came into this thread expecting the starter to be slated by people saying its for kids, fake, and a load of topless sweaty men hyped up on steroids throwing each other around :0

And you don't like it, why? haha.


ECW RECAP: using my dvr

finley and christian vs mark henry and kane. Good match, went 15 minutes. Mark Henry pinned christian after the world's strongest slam.

So, using my dvr, I fast forwarded from the 15 minute mark to the 52 minute mark. That entire period of time was used to recap every storyline going thus far. It's official, ECW is nothing more then jakked, shotgun, heat, metal, you name it. 

the show ended with a surprisingly solid match between nikki and brie bella. I had zero faith in this match, and truth be told it started off slow, but was well worked. It got 6 minutes. That's 3 minutes longer then the 18 diva tag match from raw.

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por christian, i hope he wins mitb


come on guy i'm sure that wrestling is fake ;)

^^ lolz


tastyshovelware said:

Hopes for Mania: part 1

1. Taker vs Michaels - Should be a great match, no worries
2. Money in the Bank - Hope the victory goes to Benjamin or Christian
3. Triple H vs Ortan - Hope this goes hell in a cell
4. Edge vs. Cena vs. Show - Should be fine
5. 25-diva battle royal - Hope this isn't a joke. Would like to see Trish win. If it's a current wrestler, Beth Phoenix.
6. Jeff vs Matt - Hope they really go at each other. No soft spots. It would also be nice to see matt win.
7. Carlito and Primo vs. Miz and Morrison - Would like this to go ladder. These guys have faced each other 4 times in the past month. They need to spice things up a little for the big show.
8. JBL vs Rey Rey - Should be good. Would like to see either guy actually acknowledge this match on raw.
9. Jericho vs steamboat, piper, superfly - Hope this match doesn't happen. Would much much rather see Austin vs Jericho. If it does happen, I can't imagine it running 5 minutes. Trash.

Would like to see:
Swagger vs Evan Bourne
Shane and Vince vs DiBiase and Rhodes
Chavo vs. R Truth vs. The Brian Kendrick vs. Hurricane Helms (winner to be #1 contender for US Title)
Sim Snuka vs Chris Jericho.... It would make more sense then the match we got


Damn, I should be a booker.

So, barring any new matches or stipulations, here's what I think will go down at mania.


1. Taker beats Michaels

2. Shelton Benjamin wins money in the bank

3. Ortan beats Trips

4. Cena beats Big Show and Edge

5. If she's in it, Trish Stratus wins the dive battle royal. If not.... Beth Phoneix

6. Jeff beats Matt

7. Miz and Morrison beat Carlito and Primo

8. Rey Rey beats JBL

9. Jericho loses to the legends


So, again, if I booked Mania using the storylines going on, I would have done this:


1. Taker vs Michaels

2. Christian, Kofi, CM punk, Jeff Hardy, Benjamin, Kane, Jericho, umaga (Money in the bank)

3. Trips vs Ortan (title match - hell in a cell)

4. Edge vs Cena w/guest ref The Big Show

5. melina vs maryse (title vs title - lady lumberjack match)

6. Carlito and Primo vs Miz and Morrison (title vs title - table match)

7. JBL vs Rey Rey (title match)


8. Swagger vs Evan Bourne (title match)

9. MVP vs Matt Hardy (title match)

10. Shane and Vince vs DiBiase and Rhodes (no holds barred grudge match)

11. Chavo vs R Truth vs The Brian Kendrick vs Hurricane Helms (winner to be #1 contender for US title - fatal 4-way)

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Today is the 8th anniversary of when the Attitude Era ended. On April 1,2001, when Austin turned heel, they ended the Attitude Era. Anways, WM25 is this sunday and it seems like there is no hype going in. I think after the draft, Jim Ross should come back to RAW. I also think they need to turn the rating back to TV-14.


It's hard to say when the attitude era ended.
you could say march 26, 2001 - last episode of nitro/wcw is no more
you could say april 4, 2001 - paul hayman declares bankruptcy/no more ecw
you could say april 1 2002- the rosters were officially branded.
you could say may 5, 2002 - wwf becomes wwe

I do think april 1, 2001 (aka wrestlemania 17) is just as good a choice as any.

sly777 said:
come on guy i'm sure that wrestling is fake ;)


I personally think the attitude era ended with the division of the two brands, smackdown and raw, which totally sucked. Survivor series 2001 with the end of the invasion storyline could also be considered the death of the attitude era


So Wrestlemania 25 is this sunday. Can't wait. I am really interested in Hardy v Hardy match.