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Forums - General Discussion - The Everything WWE Thread

wow, can foley compete?? I they pull it off, this could be a great match


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sorry, I'm watching smackdown and john cena is such a mark. I mean, I know he's not really, but he never stops acting like one. I wish he would stop.

If anyone missed smackdown this week, don't worry, very little happened worth mentioning.


gail kim debuted in a run-in.

carlito reversed a suplex into the backstabber!

that's literally it. Nothing else worth noting.

I didn't watch it yesterday because i was doing a play.


On impact = I didn't mind the main event, but I wish it wasn't 1 hour long, IMHO 1 hour matches can get boring real fast, and that's what happened. Impact was still solid though, although weaker than last weeks episode.

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I am not that interested into impact. Anyways, WM25 is next sunday. Anybody going to watch it.



I still may. My roommate is up for it but at $55 it would be nice to have a third person go it.

Ok, more on RAW later, but for the moment, what the hell?

Raw, of course, runs 9-11:05 est. However, I'm used to it running 2-3 minutes over so I set my dvr to record through 11:10. Somehow, Raw managed to run past 11:10! AH!

this weeks raw was decent, better than the episode 2 weeks ago, looks like they realized that nobody wants to see a Vickie Guererro love hexagon for multiple weeks. the only thing that I hated was that 9 vs 9 womens match....for a 3 minute match, that was a HUGE waste of time, as like 3 people wrestled. I really like women's wrestling, but the WWE diva's just aren't doing it for me, and I especially hate to see Gail Kim coming over and doing nothing at all basically.

.... Am I the only one who thinks that wrestling is absolutely terrible?!?!?

I came into this thread expecting the starter to be slated by people saying its for kids, fake, and a load of topless sweaty men hyped up on steroids throwing each other around :0