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Hopes for Mania: part 1

1. Taker vs Michaels - Should be a great match, no worries
2. Money in the Bank - Hope the victory goes to Benjamin or Christian
3. Triple H vs Ortan - Hope this goes hell in a cell
4. Edge vs. Cena vs. Show - Should be fine
5. 25-diva battle royal - Hope this isn't a joke. Would like to see Trish win. If it's a current wrestler, Beth Phoenix.
6. Jeff vs Matt - Hope they really go at each other. No soft spots. It would also be nice to see matt win.
7. Carlito and Primo vs. Miz and Morrison - Would like this to go ladder. These guys have faced each other 4 times in the past month. They need to spice things up a little for the big show.
8. JBL vs Rey Rey - Should be good. Would like to see either guy actually acknowledge this match on raw.
9. Jericho vs steamboat, piper, superfly - Hope this match doesn't happen. Would much much rather see Austin vs Jericho. If it does happen, I can't imagine it running 5 minutes. Trash.

Would like to see:
Swagger vs Evan Bourne
Shane and Vince vs DiBiase and Rhodes
Chavo vs. R Truth vs. The Brian Kendrick vs. Hurricane Helms (winner to be #1 contender for US Title)
Sim Snuka vs Chris Jericho.... It would make more sense then the match we got


Damn, I should be a booker.

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so, micheals or taker? I feel for the first time in a long time that taker might actually have a slight chance of losing this match. What do you think?




I'll make my picks closer to Mania.

I think Undertaker is going to pick up the win. I just think the WWE doesn't want HBk to look like the past 16 victims that Undertaker has defeated. Undertaker will win but Shawn Michaels will put up a hell of a fight.


^yeah, this match is gonna be good


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A fun little thing to spice things up in this thread more.... CLASSIC MATCHES!!!!

Jericho vs Raven
Halloween Havoc 98

I suck at posting videos, so here:

tastyshovelware said:
A fun little thing to spice things up in this thread more.... CLASSIC MATCHES!!!!

Jericho vs Raven
Halloween Havoc 98

I suck at posting videos, so here:

Ooo...I like the direction of this thread now. Awesome match. Check this out. Dean Malenko vs. Eddy Guerrero 2/3 Falls ECW Farewell Match with commentary provided by the gents themselves.



Tag: Became a freaking mod and a complete douche, coincidentally, at the same time.

Not sure if you guys know who Abismo Negro is, but he passed away yesterday. I remember growing up watching him in AAA. This sucks :(

Eddy vs. Malenko....I have to watch that one.

I think Michaels is going to beat Taker at Wrestlemania. It's tradition in wrestling: If you're going to go, you got to do "the job". Probably would've been better if it were an up-and-coming wrestler, but Michaels may as well be the guy. I think this is Taker's last 'Mania.

austin vs bret hart at WM. What more can I say