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Forums - General Discussion - Market watch: Dow Jones drops approx. 300 points, 4% today. Drops below 7000 points.

numonex said:
The current economic/financial crisis period is exactly like the Great Depression but 80 years in the future. History repeats itself time and time again due to continuous cycles.


Amen to that.

The one thing humans have over every other living thing, is the ability to learn from our mistakes. Every single thing we did wrong 80 years ago, we are doing wrong again. It took until 1953 until the market was the same as in 1929.

In 2033 I will turn 64 years of age.

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TheRealMafoo said:
numonex said:
The current economic/financial crisis period is exactly like the Great Depression but 80 years in the future. History repeats itself time and time again due to continuous cycles.


Amen to that.

The one thing humans have over every other living thing, is the ability to learn from our mistakes. Every single thing we did wrong 80 years ago, we are doing wrong again. It took until 1953 until the market was the same as in 1929.

In 2033 I will turn 64 years of age.

That sucks old man. Blame it on the boomers, I do (they are selfish bastards).