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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Is Sony Playing Catch Up, or Is Microsoft?

Is Sony Playing Catch Up, or Is Microsoft?

Sony has done a lot in two years with the PlayStation 3 and is focused on bringing the gamers what they want. In recent days it may seem that Sony is on the verge of catching up to Microsoft but isn’t quite on track with their busy schedule.

We have seen what the PlayStation 3 is capable of and what the future holds for it. Microsoft on the other hand sees Sony is a position where they are striving to catch up to the Xbox 360 in sales and features. Microsoft is taking advantage of that situation and continues to stay a step ahead of Sony in their online division. This is Sony’s first year of having an online service and even though they may be amateurs, they are doing a great job with keeping up with Microsoft’s Xbox Live, but fall short of matching it. There’s no doubt in my mind that Xbox Live is a fully fledged online service that has almost every feature you need to have a great online gaming experience. While PSN is free, it is not slouch, the PSN has vastly improved since launch and offers a great online gaming experience. If Xbox Live was free, then we could not even compare it to PSN, it would be on a whole other level. So far it looks like Sony is playing catch up with Microsoft when it comes to their online services.

Looking at hardware features and at how Sony approached this generation, I have to give them credit. They did a spectacular job with their multimedia entertainment system and included so many great features out of the box. For one, Sony launched each PlayStation 3 with a HDMI port knowing that this generation was all about High Definition. Microsoft included a HDMI port much later on in the 360’s life cycle. Sony also went ahead and included a new High Definition format drive known as Blu-ray into each and every PlayStation 3 which is now on the edge of becoming the next High Definition format of choice. Most of us are thankful of having a Blu-ray player that comes with our gaming console. Now Microsoft did put out an external HD-DVD player but it did not go anywhere and was discontinued because HD-DVD lost to Blu-ray in the format war. Then Microsoft finally added Netflix streaming to the 360 which is cool and came out just recently.

Each console has their strong points, Microsoft is obviously ahead of Sony with their online service, and Sony is ahead of the game with their hardware features. At this point in time, you can’t go wrong with either High Definition console. They both gave a great selection of AAA games to choose from and a great online service with cool features. Can you choose between the two? Here I will help you out, you should choose the console that best suits your gaming habit, if your more into RPG’s, the 360 has a wide variety of RPG’s you would probably like. If you grew up on Metal Gear Solid, Gran Turismo, or Socom, the PlayStation 3 will be your choice as the only console to have those games available for you. If your an online gamer, pick the console that all your friends have because it’s a blast online playing with your closest friends. Better yet, if you have the money, why not buy both consoles so that you can enjoy everything this console generation has to bring.

So there is really no “better” console. It all depends on your gaming habit. One may choose one console over another but that only means he or she may have a particular taste. You may want to do some research before you buy a console because they each have a lot of unique features you may want


last para sums it up pretty good i think!

...not much time to post anymore, used to be awesome on here really good fond memories from VGchartz...

PSN: Skeeuk - XBL: SkeeUK - PC: Skeeuk

really miss the VGCHARTZ of 2008 - 2013...

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I think the PS3 is a great console. I choose the 360 this gen because of Live and the amount of RPG's I have to choose from. I love my 360, but see the PS3 as a great investment for gamers as well. The article is spot on in regards to the appeal each console has. I just wish more people could see it that way.

Sony's PS3 is playing catch up with Microsoft's XBox 360. XBox 360 leads PS3 by over 8 million consoles and the gap is widening.

Sony has not brought what gamers want with PS3 this generation. Blu-Ray and a few exclusive PS3 games and PSN/HOME which is inferior in comparison to XBox Live.

Software sales for XBox 360 games outsell PS3 games around 3 to 2 in favour of XBox 360 when comparing most multi-platform titles.

PS3 can not differentiate itself enough to make it seem valuable to the average consumer. The price of PS3 scares people away from it, $400?

95% of the same PS3 game experience is on XBox 360 which has most of PS3 games library along with X360 console has exclusive games of its own. X360 costs half the price of PS3, starting from $200 for X360 Arcade.

kowenicki said:
yep.... which is why we are both PS360 skee....

right im off home in a little while to put KZ2 through its paces.


ive got mine to pick up from game 2mro. u jammy git.

they dont have a shift for me im hoping they dont call. i need day off tomorrow.

ive had so much feedback from psn buddies who have the game i cant wait to try it.

what ive been told its just like cod, halo etc, campain is good and worth a playthrough but meat of game is online.

...not much time to post anymore, used to be awesome on here really good fond memories from VGchartz...

PSN: Skeeuk - XBL: SkeeUK - PC: Skeeuk

really miss the VGCHARTZ of 2008 - 2013...

I believe I'm still a hardcore gamer, even with the fact that I severly lack of time to play.

I would like to spend a couple of week with MGS4 and LBP (maybe KZ2) but the scandalous price of the PS3 always prevented me from (otherwise I would already own the two consoles already).

Also I don't have time to fully enjoy my 360 so it is not worth the investment for 3 games (I already own a Blu_ray so...).

Still, even if I'm an ex Playstation fanatic, the XBOX 360 is definitly the winner for me this gen ..

Considering the PS3 lineup (and the price to invest on it), I believe that Sony has 3/10 chance to make me buy their console in the coming 2 years.. and that is without mentionning the supremacy of console online gaming of the 360.

Lets face it, it started with the original XBOX, but the true console online gaming is a Microsoft initiative (It is disgusting, I know...).


Pardon me, but I still have some issue with the so called superiority of the PS3 harwarde features (aside from the Bu-Ray of course).


Evan Wells (Uncharted 2): I think the differences that you see between any two games has much more to do with the developer than whether it’s on the Xbox or PS3.