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Rainbird said:
seece said:
Why isn't Burnout Paradise UB for the 360 on the list?

Because it doesn't have 10 reviews yet.

oh right, seems a bit silly the PS3 version is there but the 360 isn't ...


Around the Network
seece said:
Rainbird said:
seece said:
Why isn't Burnout Paradise UB for the 360 on the list?

Because it doesn't have 10 reviews yet.

oh right, seems a bit silly the PS3 version is there but the 360 isn't ...

It is silly, but also understandable. It will be put on the final list though, so it's not a big issue.

Kantor said:
Rainbird said:
Nooooooo! inFamous dropped to 84 after getting more than 90 reviews! ;_;

Yes, after GameShark's C+, which apparently translates to 58%. Does Metacritic suck on purpose?

Ummmm GameShark gave terminator salvation C- so infamous is only barely better than that? ok...

another year where PS3 will have the highest quality lineup

BladeOfGod said:
another year where PS3 will have the highest quality lineup

Another year of PS3 fans claiming its their year but with no facts, nothing changes


Around the Network
seece said:
BladeOfGod said:
another year where PS3 will have the highest quality lineup

Another year of PS3 fans claiming its their year but with no facts, nothing changes

you might wanna check the first post of the thread...

BladeOfGod said:
seece said:
BladeOfGod said:
another year where PS3 will have the highest quality lineup

Another year of PS3 fans claiming its their year but with no facts, nothing changes

you might wanna check the first post of the thread...

And that proves how this comment is true exactly? "another year where PS3 will have the highest quality lineup"


seece said:
BladeOfGod said:
seece said:
BladeOfGod said:
another year where PS3 will have the highest quality lineup

Another year of PS3 fans claiming its their year but with no facts, nothing changes

you might wanna check the first post of the thread...

And that proves how this comment is true exactly? "another year where PS3 will have the highest quality lineup"

This is the 2008 list:

  1. PS3 with 23 titles (6 exclusive)
  2. 360 with 21 titles (2 exclusive) 
  3. PC with 17 titles (9 exclusive)
  4. NDS with 7 titles (5 exclusive)
  5. Wii with 5 titles (2 exclusive)
  6. PSP with 3 titles (3 exclusive)

Oh look PS3 won 2008!!!

And its winning 2009 with 9 games with metacritic above 85% while 360 has 5 games with metacritic above 85% and PC has 8 games with metacritic above 85%


BladeOfGod said:
seece said:
BladeOfGod said:
seece said:
BladeOfGod said:
another year where PS3 will have the highest quality lineup

Another year of PS3 fans claiming its their year but with no facts, nothing changes

you might wanna check the first post of the thread...

And that proves how this comment is true exactly? "another year where PS3 will have the highest quality lineup"

This is the 2008 list:

  1. PS3 with 23 titles (6 exclusive)
  2. 360 with 21 titles (2 exclusive) 
  3. PC with 17 titles (9 exclusive)
  4. NDS with 7 titles (5 exclusive)
  5. Wii with 5 titles (2 exclusive)
  6. PSP with 3 titles (3 exclusive)

Oh look PS3 won 2008!!!

And its winning 2009 with 9 games with metacritic above 85% while 360 has 5 games with metacritic above 85% and PC has 8 games with metacritic above 85%


Again that still doesn't prove your comment, yes its currently winning (and its 6 for Microsoft actually) but that doesn't mean it will finish up like that by 2010 ..


The methodology for this has always bothered me. When it comes to multiplatform games, the 360 version generally gets the most reviews, followed by the PS3 version, and with the PC version receiving the fewest reviews. This often results in the metacritic scores varying by quite a bit. That variance has nothing to do with the quality of the different versions; it's simply a result of having more opinions thrown into the mix. In some cases, the superior version can end up with a substantially lower metacritic rating, compared to the inferior version.

There's no easy way to fix this while using a hard (and arbitrary) cutoff point, like 85. An improvement would be to include all versions of multiplatform games as long as at least one version scored 85+, and as long as there's no major differences between the versions. That's really just a band-aid fix, though. The real issue is that Metacritic is a tool to assist in buying decisions; a somewhat flawed tool, but still a useful one. It really doesn't work very well when applied to "list wars" competitions.