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Forums - Sony Discussion - Variety: Sony fanboys starting to resemble Rush Limbaugh

The relationship between Variety and MS is clear, and MS's history of paying people to spread misinformation/malinformation about competitors is well published. Also, as I said, Sony will just turn around and use the exact same tactics in regards to some MS project. Use some logic Mr. "I can see into your soul by reading a single post." Please?

You do not have the right to never be offended.

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To ChichiriMuyo,

First of all, the relationship between Variety and MS is not clear in terms of paying writers to discredit Sony console owners.
Secondly, this article isn't about a Sony project but Sony console owners. Get your facts straight.

Lastly, I thought I was guessing which console you owned. Now I'm a "soul sage"? Oh well

"Soul sage" observation #1 - ChichiriMuyo, your soul needs some love cause you reek of negativity and cynicism.

Being in 2nd feels so much better than being in 3rd

I suppose you don't think the relationship between review scores and advertising is clear, either, yet many insiders have pointed it out on numerous occasions. When someone butters your bread, you do things the way they'd like it in return.

Also, anything about Sony, be it products or fans, is about Sony. The message here is "Sony fans get rabid about mediocre games, so don't listen to them when they try to sell you on the PS3." Maybe you should take a rhetoric class, should you ever be up to 300-level English courses.

Or a marketing class, since this is the basis on how viral marketing was built. You trust the article because it was written by a human being (as if ads aren't), and give credence that it MUST be their opinion or they wouldn't have done it. You can associate better because they put their name on the product rather than the company that paid for it to be made, yet the purpose is still clear: to discredit Sony's products via the conduct of Sony's fans. If they react like this to KZ2 having bad reviews, how can anyone trust Uncharted or Resistance to be good games? The point is to make people ask themselves that, and just because you don't know the business enough to see that doesn't mean it isn't the reality of the situation.

Also, I don't see you guessing what console I own, but you sure do seem to be guessing things about my personality that you are hardly capable of knowing.  So where was I wrong in saying that?

You do not have the right to never be offended.

I liked the article, agree with most of it.
The thing about calling out the fanboys and their weirdness, is that you can never do it in a way that doesn't make you look like a fanboy yourself (to them, mostly), so measuring your words becomes kind of useless.
What I'm trying to say is... I support fanboyism.

Quem disse que a boca é tua?

Qual é, Dadinho...?

Dadinho é o caralho! Meu nome agora é Zé Pequeno!

all the fuss just cause some retards wrote a review, and got out of you exactly what they wanted.

didn't you all learn not to take those idiots seriously after the MGS4 review ?

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DjFlex53 said:
hey ChichiriMuyo, your post implying that MS paid Variety is Sony fanboy chatter. The only thing you missed was putting a $ instead of an S.


Dont know much about the world do you, especially how ms gets the job done. 

If your whole gov will feed you BS and tell you lies cause of their own agenda, you think some lower class nobody wont take money to write bs about some one casue its competitior payed them.

Pay me 20 an hour ill become a xbot, even though i despise that defective pos excuse for a console.  If it pays my bills them woooo Halo better then sex  Master Chief is a god!!! woo MS is my religion!

one of the worse articles i have ever read in my life lol, what a lot of crap

Nobody's perfect. I aint nobody!!!

Killzone 2. its not a fps. it a FIRST PERSON WAR SIMULATOR!!!! ..The true PLAYSTATION 3 launch date and market dominations is SEP 1st

twingo said:
all the fuss just cause some retards wrote a review, and got out of you exactly what they wanted.

didn't you all learn not to take those idiots seriously after the MGS4 review ?

This is kind of what I was talking about.

It's a waste of my time arguing with Sony zealots like twingo and Chichi because rationality was kicked out the door long ago. MS doesn't get the job done no different than Sony has done for 40 years. I know, Sony gets a free pass

BTW.....If you can lose your integrity and credibility for 20 an hour, you will be a cynical sot for the rest of your days.

Being in 2nd feels so much better than being in 3rd

gebx said:
Squilliam said:
So DJ flex, what do I own?


 A galaxy class starship?

Still not as cool as the gravity gun!

