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Forums - Sony Discussion - Variety: Sony fanboys starting to resemble Rush Limbaugh

It's funny (or is it?) that I can tell just by reading the posts in this thread who owns a PS3, a 360 or both.
The article is not saying there aren't fanboys on both sides of this gen's console war.
It is saying that the elitist mentality is definitely on the side of PS3 console owners.
I have never owned an Xbox but I do still own a PS1 & PS2. So it's ridiculous that for 3 years now I've been callled an xbot in all game forums if my comments aren't all-positive about the PS3.

Last point: 360 console owners can't be elitist (more like upstarts) since there's no foundation to build it upon. The Xbox got trounced by the PS2 in the last generation.

Being in 2nd feels so much better than being in 3rd

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So DJ flex, what do I own?


Dutka does a good job making himself sound like an absolute moron

Squilliam said:
So DJ flex, what do I own?


 A galaxy class starship?

Proud Member of GAIBoWS (Gamers Against Irrational Bans of Weezy & Squilliam)


I don't really care about this article, it is not the reason for why I am writing this post.
What is the reason though, is how much of a cunt, total douchebag, idiot, you name it, Ben Dutka has made of himself in the name of everyone supporting Sony by writing his piece on the EDGE review.

Fuck you Ben Dutka, you whiny bitch, who is clearly in need of getting some more reasoning ejaculated into your body, through one hole or another.


Around the Network

Every game console that ever existed, Squilliam, even if you don't play it anymore


edit: I can definitely tell you what Rainbird owns

Being in 2nd feels so much better than being in 3rd

I'm with Squilliam. I'd like to see this guy tell us what consoles we own. I'm betting he's wrong more often than right.

You do not have the right to never be offended.

Rainbird said:
I don't really care about this article, it is not the reason for why I am writing this post.
What is the reason though, is how much of a cunt, total douchebag, idiot, you name it, Ben Dutka has made of himself in the name of everyone supporting Sony by writing his piece on the EDGE review.

Fuck you Ben Dutka, you whiny bitch, who is clearly in need of getting some more reasoning ejaculated into your body, through one hole or another.


This probably wasn't the best thread for that outburst...


Proud Member of GAIBoWS (Gamers Against Irrational Bans of Weezy & Squilliam)


gebx said:
Rainbird said:
I don't really care about this article, it is not the reason for why I am writing this post.
What is the reason though, is how much of a cunt, total douchebag, idiot, you name it, Ben Dutka has made of himself in the name of everyone supporting Sony by writing his piece on the EDGE review.

Fuck you Ben Dutka, you whiny bitch, who is clearly in need of getting some more reasoning ejaculated into your body, through one hole or another.


This probably wasn't the best thread for that outburst...


I could have posted it in the thread about the review, and still walked away feeling better

hey ChichiriMuyo, your post implying that MS paid Variety is Sony fanboy chatter. The only thing you missed was putting a $ instead of an S.

Being in 2nd feels so much better than being in 3rd