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Forums - Sony Discussion - Variety: Sony fanboys starting to resemble Rush Limbaugh

right now the ps3 is doing good

saying its winning is like taking first place in the special olympics--sure your a winner but your still a retard----jk


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Although I don't see eye to eye with the comparing consoles to political parties, I do agree with the elitist mentality problems.

How many times are we going to hear about the power of the cell, the power of the SPU's and the "devs are lazy" excuse?

Until recently most ps3 fanboys fully believed that the PS3 would take 2nd place and then 1st place... some still believe that this will happen without a doubt in their mind! The blind fanboyism and total devotion to a console is crazy!

360 fanboys have been underdogs, MS was given a years head start with Sony saying no worries will catch up to them in no time! A couple years later and Sony is no way nearer to catching up.

360 fanboys don't have the luxury to pretend their console is best because it’s a flawed console that can break down without notice. This is why 360 fanboys rally behind the software, the true strength of the console.

But as I fear this may change too! With the lack of MS exclusive announcements for 2009, a lot of fanboys including myself, are wondering if the console's software will still be the 360's strength at the end of this year.

I've also noticed on these forums that negative 360 threads will usually die within a couple hours, unlike negative PS3 threads that will last days! This I believe is due to the aggressiveness of the PS3 fanboys on these forums.

For example - Just yesterday I was called a "fucking idiot" by another member and told that my mother would be embarrassed of the failure I am! Those are words of obsessive fanboys that actually want to hurt people because of the console they choose...

This belief that their console is beyond any negative remarks or critisicm is in fact very elitist, and these views are bolstered even more with their replies in this thread!

Edit: Spell check changed dev into "dives"... oops!

Proud Member of GAIBoWS (Gamers Against Irrational Bans of Weezy & Squilliam)


gebx said:
Although I don't see eye to eye with the comparing consoles to political parties, I do agree with the elitist mentality problems.

How many times are we going to hear about the power of the cell, the power of the SPU's and the "dives are lazy" excuse?

Until recently most ps3 fanboys fully believed that the PS3 would take 2nd place and then 1st place... some still believe that this will happen without a doubt in their mind! The blind fanboyism and total devotion to a console is crazy!

360 fanboys have been underdogs, MS was given a years head start with Sony saying no worries will catch up to them in no time! A couple years later and Sony is no way nearer to catching up.

360 fanboys don't have the luxury to pretend their console is best because it’s a flawed console that can break down without notice. This is why 360 fanboys rally behind the software, the true strength of the console.

But as I fear this may change too! With the lack of MS exclusive announcements for 2009, a lot of fanboys including myself, are wondering if the console's software will still be the 360's strength at the end of this year.

I've also noticed on these forums that negative 360 threads will usually die within a couple hours, unlike negative PS3 threads that will last days! This I believe is due to the aggressiveness of the PS3 fanboys on these forums.

For example - Just yesterday I was called a "fucking idiot" by another member and told that my mother would be embarrassed of the failure I am! Those are words of obsessive fanboys that actually want to hurt people because of the console they choose...

This belief that their console is beyond any negative remarks or critisicm is in fact very elitist, and these views are bolstered even more with their replies in this thread!

the internet equivalent to the atom bomb


well said



Pharaoh said:
KatinJin said:

Obviously I'm not saying Rush Limbaugh is orchestrating the "Killzone 2" backlash backlash, or that there's really any crossover between Sony fanboys and Republicans (except perhaps the fact that they've both been supporting losing causes for the past few years ).


How is Sony fanboys supporting a losing cause?  The PS3 sold faster to 20 million than the 360, and at a higher price.  It was out a year later, I don't get how people still think that the PS3 is in bad shape, its in great shape!

Oh and Obama isn't the "light" as someone called him

The PS3 is in great shape and I'm getting a Ferrari for my birthday, yay!



                      The definitive evidence that video games turn people into mass murderers

gebx that post is fail beyond belief. sw hasnt been a stronger point than the ps3 for a while now. and 360 fanboys are way aggressive too. i recommend you to go look at those messages i sent you again. acting like its just ps3 fans is silly. the reason the threads last as long as they do is because of the propaganda and ill information people like you spew.

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Max King of the Wild said:
gebx that post is fail beyond belief. sw hasnt been a stronger point than the ps3 for a while now. and 360 fanboys are way aggressive too. i recommend you to go look at those messages i sent you again. acting like its just ps3 fans is silly. the reason the threads last as long as they do is because of the propaganda and ill information people like you spew.

Bold 1: Only if you subjectively count just the games released in the past 6 months and forget about the games released before then.

Bold 2: Relates back to bold 1.



Variety: We get paid by MS and say whatever they want us to.

You do not have the right to never be offended.

Agreed--just b/c the ps3 does not do BC and sufferers from a giant library does not mean you should hold the 360 to the same point---ohhh burn--jk


Sony fans are acting like the mob. Every website that gave it below a 9 has nasty comments on the review page.

not to mention death threats and on one cite i saw a flaming cow--seriously---(the previous statement is a lie as well as the following one, this is a lie and so was that)