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Forums - Sony Discussion - Will releasing too many games in Q4 2009 come back to bite sony???

I have to ask this question because I have noticed that alot of the first party games developed by Sony are being released in Q4 2009, some examples are :- (correct me if I am wrong)

Heavy Rain    Q4 2009 

Uncharted 2   Q4 2009

God of War 3  Q4 2009 - this is debateable of course but most game sites seem to believe its an 09 release

DC Universe    Q4 2009

Gran Turismo   Q4 2009 - at least in Japan

FFXIII   Q4 2009  - at least Japan

WarDevil Q4 2009 - not by sony but its exclusive

MAG Q4 2009

Quantum Theory Q4 2009

Twisted Metal - this is more of a maybe

these were the exclusives that are thought to be AAA titles or at least could be.... added to this is that we also have some fantastic multiplatform games coming up in that period of time eg

The Witcher Rise of the White Wolf

Dead Rising 2

Lost Planet 2

Jack Black game (sorry forgot the name lol)


Slaughterhouse ??? is that the name??

Dante Inferno

AND ALOT OF OTHER TITLES  i just cant be bothered to type lol so..

Will releasing too many games in Q4 2009 come back to bite sony??

because from where I'm sitting I hope they can see it would be pretty stupid to release to many AAA titles at the same time and expect them to sell up to their full potential. Its good for us but from a business prespective its not really profitable


they have a $100 price cut and all these games released it would be the perfect reason to buy a PS3 thats the only thing I could come up with lol

Around the Network

Well, if you believe that half of those games will be released in 2009 I've got a bridge to sell you ...

Realistically, the only game I think it is safe to bet on being released this year and being a good game is Uncharted 2; there are several games on that list I expect to be pushed back into 2010, and if they are released in 2009 I would expet them to show how rushed they were.

Well that and Final Fantasy will probably be released in Japan anyway.

currently playing: Skyward Sword, Mario Sunshine, Xenoblade Chronicles X

GOW 3, MAG, GT5, FFXIII are all possibly next year for its main market Eu/America from what I know. and FFXIII is S-E titles so it wont effect Sony.

*Al Bundy's My Hero*


*Al Bundy For President*

Waiting On GT7!!!

 PSN ID: Acidfacekiller

@ Happy Squirriel

maybe you're right but all the hype is towards these games releasing in 09
I would at least expect Uncharted 2, Heavy Rain and R&C games to be definite releases but I hope that they don't over saturate the market it would be incredibly stupid

Around the Network

Pretty much all of these games won't be released in 2009.

/End of thread.


My Gaming Setup

Maybe, because maybe people wouldn't have enough to buy all the games they want so they only buy one.

If they all are put out on the market around the same time. . . The PS3 will sell like hot cakes. I mean that right there more 60% of the good 360 exclusives. AND THATS JUST 09! Combine that with everything else the PS3 has, and you have a clear winner. If the price is cut come April (or September if they are smart) the PS3 will be selling like burgers at burger king.

MrMeToo said:

I have to ask this question because I have noticed that alot of the first party games developed by Sony are being released in Q4 2009, some examples are :- (correct me if I am wrong)

Heavy Rain    Q4 2009 

Uncharted 2   Q4 2009

God of War 3  Q4 2009 - this is debateable of course but most game sites seem to believe its an 09 release

DC Universe    Q4 2009

Gran Turismo   Q4 2009 - at least in Japan

FFXIII   Q4 2009  - at least Japan

WarDevil Q4 2009 - not by sony but its exclusive

MAG Q4 2009

Quantum Theory Q4 2009

Twisted Metal - this is more of a maybe

these were the exclusives that are thought to be AAA titles or at least could be.... added to this is that we also have some fantastic multiplatform games coming up in that period of time eg

The Witcher Rise of the White Wolf

Dead Rising 2

Lost Planet 2

Jack Black game (sorry forgot the name lol)


Slaughterhouse ??? is that the name??

Dante Inferno

AND ALOT OF OTHER TITLES  i just cant be bothered to type lol so..

Will releasing too many games in Q4 2009 come back to bite sony??

because from where I'm sitting I hope they can see it would be pretty stupid to release to many AAA titles at the same time and expect them to sell up to their full potential. Its good for us but from a business prespective its not really profitable


they have a $100 price cut and all these games released it would be the perfect reason to buy a PS3 thats the only thing I could come up with lol

Here's my humble take. According to IGN....

Heavy Rain - TBA 09     

Uncharted 2 - TBA 09

God of War 3 - Q4 09

DC Universe - TBA 09    

Gran Turismo - TBA 09

FFXIII - April 2010 (TBA 09 in Japan, probably Q4)   

WarDevil - TBA 09

MAG - TBA 09

Quantum Theory - TBA

Twisted Metal - TBA 09

I wont even get into the others for now. So out of your main list, only 1 game is thought to already be releasing in that quarter (GOW3.) Im sure Uncharted will drop around then as well. As for the rest, none of them really are certain to drop in the 4th quarter. MAG, WarDevil, FFXIII and Gran Turismo will all probably see the light of day in 2010. Heavy Rain might drop earlier than we think, who really knows. Quantum Theory looks like a 3rd quarter release. Twisted Metal we will probably get in 2010. So to answer your question, as far as we know it wont hurt them cause there is no logjam currently. When all these games get a concrete date in the 4th quarter, Ill answer your question properly.



I am a gamer. Not a fanboy, not a troll, a gamer. So when you dont like what I have to say, remember this fact.

JerzeeBalla said:
MrMeToo said:

I have to ask this question because I have noticed that alot of the first party games developed by Sony are being released in Q4 2009, some examples are :- (correct me if I am wrong)

Heavy Rain    Q4 2009 

Uncharted 2   Q4 2009

God of War 3  Q4 2009 - this is debateable of course but most game sites seem to believe its an 09 release

DC Universe    Q4 2009

Gran Turismo   Q4 2009 - at least in Japan

FFXIII   Q4 2009  - at least Japan

WarDevil Q4 2009 - not by sony but its exclusive

MAG Q4 2009

Quantum Theory Q4 2009

Twisted Metal - this is more of a maybe

these were the exclusives that are thought to be AAA titles or at least could be.... added to this is that we also have some fantastic multiplatform games coming up in that period of time eg

The Witcher Rise of the White Wolf

Dead Rising 2

Lost Planet 2

Jack Black game (sorry forgot the name lol)


Slaughterhouse ??? is that the name??

Dante Inferno

AND ALOT OF OTHER TITLES  i just cant be bothered to type lol so..

Will releasing too many games in Q4 2009 come back to bite sony??

because from where I'm sitting I hope they can see it would be pretty stupid to release to many AAA titles at the same time and expect them to sell up to their full potential. Its good for us but from a business prespective its not really profitable


they have a $100 price cut and all these games released it would be the perfect reason to buy a PS3 thats the only thing I could come up with lol

Here's my humble take. According to IGN....

Heavy Rain - TBA 09     

Uncharted 2 - TBA 09

God of War 3 - Q4 09

DC Universe - TBA 09    

Gran Turismo - TBA 09

FFXIII - April 2010 (TBA 09 in Japan, probably Q4)   

WarDevil - TBA 09

MAG - TBA 09

Quantum Theory - TBA

Twisted Metal - TBA 09


I wont even get into the others for now. So out of your main list, only 1 game is thought to already be releasing in that quarter (GOW3.) Im sure Uncharted will drop around then as well. As for the rest, none of them really are certain to drop in the 4th quarter. MAG, WarDevil, FFXIII and Gran Turismo will all probably see the light of day in 2010. Heavy Rain might drop earlier than we think, who really knows. Quantum Theory looks like a 3rd quarter release. Twisted Metal we will probably get in 2010. So to answer your question, as far as we know it wont hurt them cause there is no logjam currently. When all these games get a concrete date in the 4th quarter, Ill answer your question properly.




Let me check IGN :]


Heavy Rain - TBA 09     

Uncharted 2 - TBA 09

God of War 3 - Q4 09

DC Universe - TBA 09    

Gran Turismo - TBA 09

FFXIII - April 2010 (TBA 09 in Japan, probably Q4)   

WarDevil - TBA 09

MAG - TBA 09

Quantum Theory - TBA

Twisted Metal - TBA 09



Ahh screw it I am lazy. Well seems like allbut Quantum Theory are slated for 09.