5551 posts since 17/11/08
axumblade said:
Games4Fun said: Problems are problems they come and go, but you get one (erm) Two grandma's. Glad your life is going well. Mine is a bit mixed atm. On one hand I am for the first time since like 4th grade making A's in classes. (college) ON the other hand Where I have worked for the past 2 years shut down last week. I have screwed up shoulders from a few years ago. It hurts to lift my arms above my head much and hurts like hell to do much lifting. With all these people looking for work around here, no one wants to work around my schooling, or take damaged goods. |
That sucks man. Just keep in mind that those A's will end up helping you out once you get out of college. I hope it all works out for you though. :(
just a month ago my life was looking incredibly shit - i had no job, i was doing a course i dont really wanna do, my family was falling apart. blah blah blah. now things have flipped.
remember that things can change so suddenly, and sometimes something that seems really bad can be a blessing in disguise! my dad kicked me out last month, but if he hadnt i wouldn't have gotten a job where and when i did, i wouldnt be volunteering, and i wouldnt be moving to glasgow to pursue my chosen degree.
what im saying is, look for the opportunities that arise from the bad stuff. your workplace shut down - this could be your chance to do something incredible.
congrats on the As 
Highwaystar101 said: trashleg said that if I didn't pay back the money she leant me, she would come round and break my legs... That's why people call her trashleg, because she trashes the legs of the people she loan sharks money to.