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I still feel I am two young to be dating a woman with two kids I mean damn. Maybe in 4 more years, but for now girls like Maria need to know I can not handle responsibilities that I did not create. Yet she keeps trying.

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chocoloco said:

I still feel I am two young to be dating a woman with two kids I mean damn. Maybe in 4 more years, but for now girls like Maria need to know I can not handle responsibilities that I did not create. Yet she keeps trying.

Girls like that make mistakes early in life.  They get with these guys that didn't mean them anything good, fall in love, and end up having kids that they have to raise by themselves.  A lot of times, they reform and try to find someone decent.  Problem is, they want to make you love their children like they were your own and it doesn't work like that.  Plus, being young, there's almost no way it could work.  It's almost like you're sacrificing your potential to be everything you can be to solve their problems for them.

It takes a special kind of person to raise another man's seed.  Plus, the kid's biolgical father almost always sees you as the enemy despite the fact that he abandoned his kids!  What's up with that?  Anyway, the way you feel right now isn't going to change.  You're not going to suddenly feel like marrying her, buying a mini-van, and getting a house with a white picket fence.  Unless you're "Captain Save a Ho" (it's a term! I'm not calling her a ho!!), just tell her how you feel.  She may be a good girl but you have to look after you.  Coming into a situation with baggage is always tough. 

d21lewis said:
chocoloco said:

I still feel I am two young to be dating a woman with two kids I mean damn. Maybe in 4 more years, but for now girls like Maria need to know I can not handle responsibilities that I did not create. Yet she keeps trying.

Girls like that make mistakes early in life.  They get with these guys that didn't mean them anything good, fall in love, and end up having kids that they have to raise by themselves.  A lot of times, they reform and try to find someone decent.  Problem is, they want to make you love their children like they were your own and it doesn't work like that.  Plus, being young, there's almost no way it could work.  It's almost like you're sacrificing your potential to be everything you can be to solve their problems for them.

It takes a special kind of person to raise another man's seed.  Plus, the kid's biolgical father almost always sees you as the enemy despite the fact that he abandoned his kids!  What's up with that?  Anyway, the way you feel right now isn't going to change.  You're not going to suddenly feel like marrying her, buying a mini-van, and getting a house with a white picket fence.  Unless you're "Captain Save a Ho" (it's a term! I'm not calling her a ho!!), just tell her how you feel.  She may be a good girl but you have to look after you.  Coming into a situation with baggage is always tough. 

It kind of sucks when you still like the girl I mean she wouldn't be on my mind if I didn't like her. I still have to see her every week in class so it has been awkward for me trying to avoid telling her the truth. As you say it is what needs to be done.   And hell no I am not ready for a mini van, mortage and settling down. Man, I still want to live my life like I will be young forever.     

trasharmdsister12 said:

I'm living up to the trash name with the lack of sleep as of late. It's 2 am here and I've got a ton of work left to do on this course project which is due at 2:30 pm tomorrow. All nighter and only 3 hours of sleep last night. Woooo! Hope I make you proud ma!

And by tomorrow I mean today... as in 12 hours from now.

aw :(

*big bosom-y hug*

Highwaystar101 said: trashleg said that if I didn't pay back the money she leant me, she would come round and break my legs... That's why people call her trashleg, because she trashes the legs of the people she loan sharks money to.

The ending of All Star Superman just made my kid cry.

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trasharmdsister12 said:
trashleg said:

aw :(

*big bosom-y hug*

The ordeal is over now and I know I screwed up one part of the project but I confirmed that I did the rest of it right so a 9/10 or 8/10 is expected (it's worth 10% of my mark). On the plus side I got my midterm exam mark for that course back that same day and I somehow got 100% on it (25% of my final mark). I haven't got a 100% on any exam since... first year! (and that course really was a joke) It's sad that in high school I used to just throw my 100% papers to the side because there were so many... now I'm beaming with absolute joy!

*goes back to studying*

Nice work!

I have a big test I have to study for tomorrow...I have to memorize like 200 place locations along with 2 chapters worth of material that I have yet to look at

This will not be a fun night

Money can't buy happiness. Just video games, which make me happy.

Wessle has rejoined vgchartz on one of his alts and isn't being banned(thanks mods)

Wessle stopped using alts and is being a real person now. Please let Wessle stay.

Disrarge said:

Wessle has rejoined vgchartz on one of his alts and isn't being banned(thanks mods)

Wessle stopped using alts and is being a real person now. Please let Wessle stay.

are you Wessle?

Highwaystar101 said: trashleg said that if I didn't pay back the money she leant me, she would come round and break my legs... That's why people call her trashleg, because she trashes the legs of the people she loan sharks money to.
Disrarge said:

Wessle has rejoined vgchartz on one of his alts and isn't being banned(thanks mods)

Wessle stopped using alts and is being a real person now. Please let Wessle stay.

Let Wessle stay he has found religion and has reached enlightenment!!!  

trasharmdsister12 said:

 Glad to be part of the group if you'll have me.

As for what's on my mind... stress! So much to do and I'm lacking motivation. I just want to be done with university at this point. It's been the 5 most draining years I could have imagined and I'm at the brink of my ability to push on with something I care so little about. Why won't it just end!?

I see your a senior, I can hardly think of one I have meet that has not lost motivation near the end. I have too and am taking a full load when I only need one class to pass so I share your feelings of not wanting to continue. I have gone six yours due to the fact that I insisted on having two majors. It is hard to say if I regret it now, I probably will not in the end.

The only thing I can think about that might push you on is knowing that semesters fly by like they were dreams and that in all, that after five years you will have compleated your goals and did not give in to apathy and stress.