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Forums - Website Topics - Am I an evil genius?

I have been called a great many things, but I have yet to have it insinuated that I am some malevolent mastermind steeped in the dark arts. A maniacle manipulator of the weak minded, or the originator of a dastardly plot. That is until today. When another member of this community insinuated that very thing. I do not necessarily take it as a slur mind you, and we all have to be something to others. In fact I suppose I take it as a compliment. After all if you have to be something having a grand title is just a perk. Besides what is life without its villains.

I am just curious is that how anyone else views me, or does anyone think that they would bestow this title on another member of this community. Do you consider yourself an evil genius. Who are the evil geniuses on these forums. Would you like to name them, defend them, or adore them. Most often we refer to other members as being fools, morons, assholes, or even trolls. Yet we never read someone saying this person is an evil genius, or a devious mastermind. Just as rare is someone referring to someone as being blessed, or benevolent. Who do you think matches that criteria.

Just an idle curiosity as to exactly who the ring leaders really and truly are on these forums. Who are the villains, and who are the heroes. Who is both large and in charge. Who really are the gods of this little universe? Apparently I also have a contingent of loyal followers and admirers. Based on my wall, and friends list I would disagree. Though it does make me feel all kinds of warm inside.

Any thoughts?

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A genius wouldn't post in the wrong forum. This is off topic.