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Forums - Gaming Discussion - What do you do for a living to feed your gaming addiction? How bad is it?

I thought it would be interesting to see what people here did for a living to feed their addiction and exactly how badly that addiction is. If you don't work, just say how bad the addiction is.


I work as a simulation programmer for Lockheed Martin. I got started in the PC with an internship at Bethesda but I decided that although I loved playing games, working on the engine(and doing the math) wasn't too much fun. I moved to Lockheed Martin to get away from the math, and oddly enough, ended up doing simulation programming there which requires even more math... Blah. As far as my addiction goes, I probably buy a good 4 games a month. I've built up a nice 360 and PS3 library :D

Good news Everyone!

I've invented a device which makes you read this in your head, in my voice!

Around the Network

I clean and repair HVAC heating a cooling systems. It's pretty slack. Only been working there 2 months though. So it isn't enough to pay for the full force of my gaming needs. Hopefully I get a raise soon!

8th gen predictions. (made early 2014)
PS4: 60-65m
WiiU: 30-35m
X1: 30-35m
3DS: 80-85m
PSV: 15-20m

I go to UCSD and get paid to live by my parents. **** yeah!

I'm a university student, so whatever I can fit around that.

In 2009 I shall be a tutor or lab demonstrator for a couple of first year physics courses - should be good

I also do a lot of work as a subcontractor for my dad, who does water quality management stuff. The work involved varies quite dramatically. At the moment, I am doing excel data entry *snooze* but a while ago I was writing a report to be considered by the state government, which was actually pretty interesting.

As I study full time and work around that, I don't have enough time to buy or play as many games as I can. That said, I'll be doing something like a 60 hour week this week, so should be buying some new games soon

Music university student, these days I'm trading a lot of old games and shopping through cag. If I really needed money I guess I could go back to playing in the subway at SF...

-=Dew the disco dancing fo da Unco Graham=-