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Forums - Sony Discussion - The PS3 Didn't Die In 2007!!!

The number of "PlayStation 3 is Doomed!" headlines reminded me very much of 2000 and 2001, when the very same articles - almost word for word - were produced regarding the PS2. I suppose I could focus on this obvious comparison and how the PS2 turned out...  

The PS3 and 360 are currently almost neck-and-neck. The two systems were throughout most of 2008, and while I won't predict what will happen in 2009, most everyone will agree that the PS3's exclusive lineup is stronger. The overall numbers put the 360 at about 28 million sold and the PS3 at a little over 21 million sold. In terms of new owners in 2008, I still hold to the theory that several million of those 360 owners aren't "new;" they're simply buying another 360 after their console died. Nobody is going to deny the 360's horrendous reliability so wouldn't this be a logical assessment?

I'm not bringing up the Wii because it's not competition, as both Sony and Microsoft have already stated. Besides, after Nintendo's 33% decrease that was just reported, what I told everyone would happen is starting to happen: you don't sell hardware with no software.

It's not 2007 and the PS3 didn't die two years ago. The PS3 doesn't need saving. It's locked in a battle with the 360 as every normal human with a functioning brain predicted, and there's no telling how things will end up


I believe this is true, the PS3 doesn't need saving. The same things where said about the PS2, and it turned into one of the greatest consoles in our generation. The PS3 didn't die in 2007, it didn't die in 2008, and most likely won't die in 2009!


edit: I disagree with the Wii comments!! (thanks Kirby!)

Proud Member of GAIBoWS (Gamers Against Irrational Bans of Weezy & Squilliam)


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The PS3 was never dead.
And won't be dead, for a long, long time..

I fully agree with you.





Dismiss the Wii.
Ignore sales trends.
Misreport and misrepresent.

Is an infamous former poster and ardent Sony defender now working at PS3 Extreme?

You can juggle the numbers to make the sales of the consoles close -- but much of that is because of the more staggered launch of the PS2.

The PS3 is a wonderful bit of technology. It just might be too much in the current market for most people, however. 

EDIT ADD: It is not going away. But it is not going to break sales records.

Mike from Morgantown


I am Mario.

I like to jump around, and would lead a fairly serene and aimless existence if it weren't for my friends always getting into trouble. I love to help out, even when it puts me at risk. I seem to make friends with people who just can't stay out of trouble.

Wii Friend Code: 1624 6601 1126 1492


hmm since when did you turn 360 degrees?

 "I think people should define the word crap" - Kirby007

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gebx said:

I'm not bringing up the Wii because it's not competition, as both Sony and Microsoft have already stated. Besides, after Nintendo's 33% decrease that was just reported, what I told everyone would happen is starting to happen: you don't sell hardware with no software.

If the PS3 or 360 were beating the Wii in sales, the Wii would be talked about as competition for the the system beating it.  Now, since it isn't so, Sony and Microsoft keep this spin nonsense going.

I forgot that lots of 360 sales are buying new 360's that died.

I think Wii sales will be down for 2009, as I agree with your statement "you can't sell hardware with no software". 2006-Early 2008 had great software for the Wii but since then there has been nothing to get excited over.

Besides, after Nintendo's 33% decrease that was just reported, what I told everyone would happen is starting to happen: you don't sell hardware with no software.

Uh, yeah...even Crazzyman isn't this stupid.

gebx said:

The number of "PlayStation 3 is Doomed!" headlines reminded me very much of 2000 and 2001, when the very same articles - almost word for word - were produced regarding the PS2. I suppose I could focus on this obvious comparison and how the PS2 turned out...  

The PS3 and 360 are currently almost neck-and-neck. The two systems were throughout most of 2008, and while I won't predict what will happen in 2009, most everyone will agree that the PS3's exclusive lineup is stronger. The overall numbers put the 360 at about 28 million sold and the PS3 at a little over 21 million sold. In terms of new owners in 2008, I still hold to the theory that several million of those 360 owners aren't "new;" they're simply buying another 360 after their console died. Nobody is going to deny the 360's horrendous reliability so wouldn't this be a logical assessment?

I'm not bringing up the Wii because it's not competition, as both Sony and Microsoft have already stated. Besides, after Nintendo's 33% decrease that was just reported, what I told everyone would happen is starting to happen: you don't sell hardware with no software.

It's not 2007 and the PS3 didn't die two years ago. The PS3 doesn't need saving. It's locked in a battle with the 360 as every normal human with a functioning brain predicted, and there's no telling how things will end up


I believe this is true, the PS3 doesn't need saving. The same things where said about the PS2, and it turned into one of the greatest consoles in our generation. The PS3 didn't die in 2007, it didn't die in 2008, and most likely won't die in 2009!

As the saying goes ignorance is bliss.

How much software sold on the Wii is huge compared to the PS3 and the 360. Go and look for yourself. Oh hand on you don't want to know. It doesn't help your arguement. Oh well.




since when were all the analysts predicting PS2 would fail? I know there was a couple of them, but i'm quite sure almost everyone knew Sony was gonna win last gen.
There was many Sony is doomed articles for the PS3 but they were at least based on facts, i mean they lost 3 billion dollars, keep in mind some analysts still predicted a PS3 victory in 2007.

currently playing: Skyward Sword, Mario Sunshine, Xenoblade Chronicles X