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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Do you play multiple games at once?

I try to play one game at a time per console. I have a Wii, Xbox 360, PS3, PS2, Xbox, Gamecube, Nintendo DS Lite, PSP Slim. So I try to play one game per console. But I get bored easily with one game and I end up buying more and more games and I end up flooded with many games//lol

Has this happened to anyone? Do you prefer to play one game at a time?

Again for me//it doesn't work//lol

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Typically, I play one handheld and one console game at a time. Currently I'm playing Dead Space while at home at Dead Head Fred while I'm out.

when i first start a game i bash it for time. after that i switch between games.

Nobody's perfect. I aint nobody!!!

Killzone 2. its not a fps. it a FIRST PERSON WAR SIMULATOR!!!! ..The true PLAYSTATION 3 launch date and market dominations is SEP 1st

I mostly play one game at a time. 99% of the times that I switch to a new game while playing one, I forget about the first game's file until a year later or more. :P

I usually try to play 1 at a time.

But just now I started playing a bunch of games from my backlog

Currently Playing:

Super Smash Bros. Melee
Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles: My Life As A King
Sin & Punishment: Successor Of The Earth
Super Mario Bros.: The Lost Levels
Metroid Prime: Hunters
Star Tropics
The Legend Of Zelda: The Minish Cap
The Legend Of Zelda: Link's Awakening
F-Zero GX

and just yesterday I beat Super Mario RPG: Legend Of The Seven Stars.


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wow ODC wow

I play one shooter at a time but mix in lots of other types of games. Almost done with Cod5, up next is Resistance 2 if I can get some gamefly love . If not then its prob Killzone 2.

savage moon & LBP are the other 2 I am currently playing.

recently SOLD GTA4 for $32 on ebay!

See my sig... Although I've also started practicing Starcraft and CS1.6 - my friends and I are having a LAN next weekend

I used to stick to one game at a time but these days not really...currently I am
replaying GTA4 in wait for the new DLC
just finished Farcry 2
1/2th of Prince of Persia
Beginning of Kameo
Last disc of Lost Odyssey
2nd Disc of Last Remnant but I might not finish it
Just started Dark Messiah
Just started Turok
In the middle of Perfect Dark Zero
Finished Part 1 of Fracture
3rd Stage of Condemned 2
and halfway through Ninja Gaiden 2

There's also about 10 games that I have in my library but haven't touched or opened...God help me

-=Dew the disco dancing fo da Unco Graham=-

haha//so I'm not the only one on VGChartz that plays multiple games at a time.

I got a lot in my game inventory. I look to playing all of them. If I'm in the mood to play let's say Super Mario Galaxy for the Wii//then I will play it. If not then I will play Guitar Hero: World Tour on the 360. I like to bunny hop from console to console and from game to game. I easily get bored with one game at a time. It takes so fun out of it.

I prefer to play one at a time, but usually I end up playing 2 or above.

Right now I'm playing:

No more Heroes
Mirror's Edge
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney
Final Fantasy Tactis A2

And don't complain about having too much games to play...'cause if you have, it means that you've money to buy a lot of games. Some people now is praying to have money for another game.

I miss those times.....>>>