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Forums - Gaming Discussion - I'm so disappointed - RE5 Demo

o.k. for those struggling with the game here are some tips (and I'm not a pro by the way but at least alot more competent than alot of other people here lol).

For the PS3 demo:

- Type A control setup i.e. the default one works well. It's the only one I've tried (and only one I really want to). However, if you're struggling with the controls just keep playing and it will eventually come 2nd nature. I myself had difficulty and even hated the controls for the first 5 mins but I got used to it alot quicker than other people.
- Always run and do 180 degree turns (i.e. always hold 'X', and infact for the majority of the game you will only be using 'X' 'square', 'L1' and 'R2'.
- Change aiming to 'fastest'
- Bear in mind that when you have joined somebody's game there may be lag (I've noticed that there's a slight delay anyway for me) but there is no lag when you are the host. IT IS NOT THE GAME.
- press R2 at the start of the level and always refer to the map to see where your partner is. This is very useful imo.
- zombies are stupid. you can literally run around them in circles and never be hit. Don't be afraid to simply run pass crowds of zombies when it gets tense. i.e. when you are low on ammo/health in the first level run past any nearby zombies to one of the serveral rooms, and once inside barracade the door by moving a bookcase.
- Try mapping a herb and your secondary weapon to the d-pad, it makes it much faster than tapping 'triangle' to bring up the inventory screen. i.e. just tap left d-pad for your shotgun and right d-pad for a herb. (try mapping it when you have time).
- It is extremely easy to dodge both the mini-bosses. all you need to do is run turn around shoot (so they kneel) then run up and hit them. rinse and repeat. Also use grenades on them (or when in a tight spot and surrounded by zombies). use the red barrells also, and the electricity boxes in the first level (on the top) to help with crowd control and to wound the bosses.
- learn the 'safe spots'. i.e. in the first level there are many places where you can climb up a ladder or some stairs to reach safety and just shoot zombies while they try climing up.
- always keep an eye on the map to see where your partner is, and try not to leave your partner alone (i know if both players are competent you can literally run around the map and do your own thing but for the sake of beating the demo it's best to use teamwork)

That's about all the advice I can give, but it was hard the first time, and it is still quite challenging. However, I've beaten both levels with the AI partner, and quite a few times online.

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patriots2991 said:
you dont have to kill the executioner you just have to survive for awhile


 but its just too fun killing the guy instead of running away like an idiot.

SHMUPGurus said:

The controls are fine! The only thing they need to tweak is the fact that you should be able to walk while aiming. Make it more like Gears of War, please!

Also, there are 4 controller types, INCLUDING the old one in RE4. You can also tweak the aiming sensitivity! So please people, stop complaining about them!

- You're not meant to kill the executioner.
- There are WAY too many zombies in this part of the game. It's a DEMO.

Good you people will complain about ANYTHING, I swear...! >_>

Yes this. I hate not being able to walk with aiming. It feels dated. Pressing the X button to run sucks, but other than that, the controls are fine..

The demo is awesome. It's pretty fun, but that chainsaw guy took a while to die. I love having a lot of zombies running towards me. Graphics aren't as great as I thought it would be. Co-op keeps on disconnecting on me. Getting RE5 over KZ2.

it is a disappointing demo to be honest. the game-play is so, erm slow, clumsy, crap, repetitive, boring level design.

Nobody's perfect. I aint nobody!!!

Killzone 2. its not a fps. it a FIRST PERSON WAR SIMULATOR!!!! ..The true PLAYSTATION 3 launch date and market dominations is SEP 1st

Serious_frusting said:
it is a disappointing demo to be honest. the game-play is so, erm slow, clumsy, crap, repetitive, boring level design.


 Seriously? Its a demo. What level design are you talking about? Shanty town is like, 1/5 of a level.

Also, the fact that you say its slow either makes me think you've been playing way too much Ninja Gaiden 2, or haven't actually played the Public assembly in the demo. That, or your hoping for a full fledged FPS game. Can't blame you for either if you've never played Resi 4 though.

GOTY Contestants this year: Dead Space 2, Dark Souls, Tales of Graces f. Everything else can suck it.

Around the Network
GLoRySoGLoRy said:
patriots2991 said:
you dont have to kill the executioner you just have to survive for awhile


 but its just too fun killing the guy instead of running away like an idiot.

Why does every single post of yours in this thread scream "I'm awesome and you suck!" ? What an ass. Go play RE5 :P


My Mario Kart Wii friend code: 2707-1866-0957

Its awesome. Coop is going to be ace. Decidin which weapons u should upgrade. Already going to play this with my mate from work plus a couple of peeps on my Station friends list.


Shadowblind said:
Serious_frusting said:
it is a disappointing demo to be honest. the game-play is so, erm slow, clumsy, crap, repetitive, boring level design.


 Seriously? Its a demo. What level design are you talking about? Shanty town is like, 1/5 of a level.

Also, the fact that you say its slow either makes me think you've been playing way too much Ninja Gaiden 2, or haven't actually played the Public assembly in the demo. That, or your hoping for a full fledged FPS game. Can't blame you for either if you've never played Resi 4 though.

but RE4 was a epic survival horror. it was slow and intense. RE5 just feels like a slow tps

Nobody's perfect. I aint nobody!!!

Killzone 2. its not a fps. it a FIRST PERSON WAR SIMULATOR!!!! ..The true PLAYSTATION 3 launch date and market dominations is SEP 1st

@OP: I'm not saying your opinion's wrong or anything, but you missed quite a bit:

1. You absolutely don't have only ten extra rounds in the opening house. There are two extra clips to the right of where you enter, and two near the door you barricade. There's also a barrel that randomly has either money, shells, or more pistol ammo, and a grenade hidden under the melons on the table.

2. The executioner's not as difficult as he looks. He's hard, no doubt, but you have a much better chance (and the fight is much more fun!) if you run outside as soon as he enters. There are lots of places to climb, tons of items (including an SMG), explosive barrels galore, and plenty of tactical opportunities. Also, it just takes three shots with a shotgun or sniper rifle to knock him down so you can go in for an uppercut. If you've been trying to fight him simply inside the starting house, you'd have much more trouble than Capcom intended for that fight.

Hope that helps

Could I trouble you for some maple syrup to go with the plate of roffles you just served up?

Tag, courtesy of fkusumot: "Why do most of the PS3 fanboys have avatars that looks totally pissed?"
"Ok, girl's trapped in the elevator, and the power's off.  I swear, if a zombie comes around the next corner..."

As per OXM, Resident Evil 5 WILL have Gears of War-style controls:

Around 1:15.

Back from the dead, I'm afraid.