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Forums - Gaming Discussion - I'm so disappointed - RE5 Demo

SHMUPGurus said:
tehsage said:
SHMUPGurus said:
tehsage said:
SHMUPGurus said:

The controls are fine! The only thing they need to tweak is the fact that you should be able to walk while aiming. Make it more like Gears of War, please!

Also, there are 4 controller types, INCLUDING the old one in RE4. You can also tweak the aiming sensitivity! So please people, stop complaining about them!

- You're not meant to kill the executioner.
- There are WAY too many zombies in this part of the game. It's a DEMO.

Good you people will complain about ANYTHING, I swear...! >_>

I did scroll through the controller types and nothing really looked too different. Running is awkward. You either hold down the left analog stick or hold down x and run. But then you can't turn the right analog stick if you're holding x.


You're not meant to kill the executioner? That's idiotic.

Capcom Head - Alright guys, let's get the demo all finished. Any last suggestions?

Jenkins - Let's put an enemy in there that the player CAN'T kill. Also lets not tell him that you can't kill him either so he wastes all his ammo on him.

Capcom Head - BRILLIANT.

So you're telling me you NEVER played a game with an unbeatable enemy at a certain point before? Did you EVEN play the old Resident Evil games, especially episode 3?

The only game that I've played before that I can remember on the top of my head that had an unbeatable enemy was REmake. But I'm pretty sure they told you that in game. And no, I'e never played RE3. Just 0, REmake, and 4.

My point was that no, it's not idiotic after all. In this kind of game, it adds to the "horror" feel, meaning you have to get away from him ASAP or else he'll one-hit kill you (lol, he did actually one-hit kill me once).

Add the co-op, where there's tension because you need to share ammo and stuff, and you've got a pretty good game with nice gameplay ideas. Resident Evil 5 will be great, just give it a chance.

But some boss's take multiple hits to kill so for all I know, he could have been killable.  I mean, I just don't think RE5 is the kinda game I'd pay $60 for. =/


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43% this takes a long time to download.

kutasek said:
43% this takes a long time to download.


Download took a while. The install was maybe a minute or two.

tehsage said:
kutasek said:
43% this takes a long time to download.


Download took a while. The install was maybe a minute or two.



Did you try online co-op, did game was better than or what.

SHMUPGurus said:
Yojimbo said:
I have not played the game yet but is the controls that bad? How does it compare to Uncharted controls because I loved it.

I'd say they are more precise, since it moves slow so you can pull off headshots and "punch combo" more easily.

So there is no sensitive thing you can change on RE5?


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el_rika said:
Learn to play the game. It seems you kinda suck. 


 Basically, yeah.You need more practice with it.

You can't expect to be able to just pick up a Resident Evil game on a system you've never played it on and expect it to easy. 360 felt natural to me because shooters fit fantastic on 360 controller, and I've used it alot.

For those of you whining about it not being scary: Neither was Resi 4. I don't see the problem there :/

GOTY Contestants this year: Dead Space 2, Dark Souls, Tales of Graces f. Everything else can suck it.

tehsage said:

I went to download the RE5 demo today on PSN. I'm a fan of the original RE games, but, I did enjoy RE4 for the Wii so I thought I'd give this game a try.


Once it's downloaded and installed(lol), I began playing.


First of all I noticed that the sound effects were similiar to RE4. I guess it's okay for a company to recycle it's own sound effects. Anyway, I start the solo campaign because I don't wanna go online without knowing wtf I'm doing. So, I begin the game and here are my complaints:

- The controls are so awkward on the PS controller. Maybe it's because I'm so used to playing RE4 on the Wii that playing with a controller is a bit weird.

Controls are the same as they were in Resident Evil 4.

- There are WAY to many zombies to fight off. Especially when you only have ten shots with your pistol and five shots with your shotgun.

Your goal isn't to kill them all. Merely survive. Kind of like the Ganados' village near the start of RE4.

- It takes way to long to pick up ammo

Takes less time than RE4, as far as I know.

- The camera control is awkward. Again, me being used to RE4: Wii

Didn't notice anything different with it vs. RE4

- That executioner is way to powerful

Not really. A few shots to the head with the shotgun tend to incapacitate him.

I can't even get past the beginning of the demo. Capcom definitely lost a purchase for this game. Maybe I'll pick it up when it's cheaper.

The game is the most gorgeous game I've ever played. Maybe it's because I'm using a 50" Plasma, but it looks really nice

Overall, the RE5 demo was lacking due to length, but not gameplay concepts. I had a blast playing it in Co-Op with my brother (took down the chainsaw guy pretty easily on the 2nd try). Died a few times on the Public Square with my GF, but that was because we didn't know to run outside the building when people began to drop in.

Back from the dead, I'm afraid.

Yojimbo said:
SHMUPGurus said:
Yojimbo said:
I have not played the game yet but is the controls that bad? How does it compare to Uncharted controls because I loved it.

I'd say they are more precise, since it moves slow so you can pull off headshots and "punch combo" more easily.

So there is no sensitive thing you can change on RE5?

Nah, you can change sensitivity. Everything works just fine for aiming! It's just the walk engine they need to change, and it seems they didn't learn their lessons with RE4 on that part.

Random game thought :
Why is Bionic Commando Rearmed 2 getting so much hate? We finally get a real game and they're not even satisfied... I'm starting to hate the gaming community so f****** much...

Watch my insane gameplay videos on my YouTube page!

Shadowblind said:
el_rika said:
Learn to play the game. It seems you kinda suck. 


 Basically, yeah.You need more practice with it.

You can't expect to be able to just pick up a Resident Evil game on a system you've never played it on and expect it to easy. 360 felt natural to me because shooters fit fantastic on 360 controller, and I've used it alot.

For those of you whining about it not being scary: Neither was Resi 4. I don't see the problem there :/


I've played multiple games on the PS3 and 360. I didn't expect the controls to be so awkward. But yeah! That's just it. I don't like them. I don't like the controls. If the entire game is just hoards of zombies, I don't think I wanna play that. I'll definitely give it a try, but, as of now, I doubt I'll get it day 1.


I didn't like RE4 because it wasn't scary. It was fun, but not RE. But I don't want to get into the old RE versus new RE.

SHMUPGurus said:
Yojimbo said:
SHMUPGurus said:
Yojimbo said:
I have not played the game yet but is the controls that bad? How does it compare to Uncharted controls because I loved it.

I'd say they are more precise, since it moves slow so you can pull off headshots and "punch combo" more easily.

So there is no sensitive thing you can change on RE5?

Nah, you can change sensitivity. Everything works just fine for aiming! It's just the walk engine they need to change, and it seems they didn't learn their lessons with RE4 on that part.

Thanks I just have to try it.