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Forums - Sony Discussion - Resident Evil 5 Demo Is Up On EU Store!!!

Made a European account for this and the KZ2 demo :P

Can't say I'm impressed. I didn't care that much for RE4 and that feeling is the same for RE5. I want to know what happens in the story, but that's about it.

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Good thing u made an Eu account now u can download Killzone 2 demo on thursday.


Tbone said:

Good thing u made an Eu account now u can download Killzone 2 demo on thursday.


That's why I said I made it. :P

IllegalPaladin said:
Tbone said:

Good thing u made an Eu account now u can download Killzone 2 demo on thursday.


That's why I said I made it. :P


 Yeah missed that lo.


IllegalPaladin said:
Made a European account for this and the KZ2 demo :P

Can't say I'm impressed. I didn't care that much for RE4 and that feeling is the same for RE5. I want to know what happens in the story, but that's about it.


I'm in the exact same boat. The only thing that still interests me in RE is the story because I've always found it intriguing. The gameplay has gone to hell though. I'll probably pick this up later for $20.

"Dr. Tenma, according to you, lives are equal. That's why I live today. But you must have realised it by now...the only thing people are equal in is death"---Johann Liebert (MONSTER)

"WAR is a racket. It always has been.

It is possibly the oldest, easily the most profitable, surely the most vicious. It is the only one international in scope. It is the only one in which the profits are reckoned in dollars and the losses in lives"---Maj. Gen. Smedley Butler

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IllegalPaladin said:
Tbone said:

Good thing u made an Eu account now u can download Killzone 2 demo on thursday.


That's why I said I made it. :P


wait, you mean to tell me that I didn't need to preorder the game from gamestop in the US because it's coming out the same time in the EU PS Store? 

son of a b*tch.

I guess i'll still get the benefit of a midnight launch, although I could have saved a few bucks on amazon.

So, I have finally pulled myself together to not only play the demo, but now also post about it.

I came in with expectations of bad controls, and "last-gen gameplay", and boy was I dissappointed. I have never played an RE game before and I never cared for them.
I also played with the default controls (on the PS3), and haven't bothered to change them.

But I liked it, I really liked it. Admittedly, I wont buy it at full retail price, but the coop is awesome. The controls could use a little tweaking, but the way they are now is a part of the game. I love that it isn't just as straightforward as *insert random current-gen TPS*, you're stressed, you get panicky.
Also, when I played coop (only played locally so far), it is much tougher to play then with the AI for me, because you now have too people who are negatively affected by the controls (stress, panic), instead of just one.
This forces you to use the environment (I played with a friend who played many RE games before, and he showed me stuff like blocking doors and windows with bookcases in the first house in the "public assembly").
The game really forces you out into the environment, and it gets really challenging.
Everything you do takes effort, and knife controls, while not the best, are fine. If I had to say anything I would like changed, I would say add a direct grenade throwing button. Like L1+Triangle or whatever, that would be nice. I feel grenades are underused because you have to switch to them through the inventory.

In short, everyone who bitches about the controls aren't getting it. I'm not saying the controls will be for everyone, but I wouldn't have it any other way.