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Forums - Sony Discussion - Home Made Over 1 Million Dollars So Far

This is just from people buying stuff, the ads will give them the big money.

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I wouldn't count too much on ad revenue. Game magazines wouldn't be failing if the ad market was healthy. Judging by the comments from ex-1up staffers, the ad market fell completely imploded last year.

Neoraf said:
1 million from Home... Big deal...

Think of the millions made by Microsoft in Xbox Live.

Sorry, but 1 million is nothing in this economic crisis.

Sony should make us pay for PSN.
The Microsoft Live structure on Xbox is a real success, Sony should build from that.


 Dude... Home is just a part of the PSN. Sony makes money from the PSS to.

isn't this quite an old news and discussed and dissected many a times.?

Seems like somebody woke up after a very long time

yea something tells me PSN will eventually turn into a subscription based service. It probably costs a million to keep HOME running for a month

Doubt is not a pleasant condition, but certainty is absurd.

owner of : atari 2600, commodore 64, NES,gameboy,atari lynx, genesis, saturn,neogeo,DC,PS2,GC,X360, Wii

5 THINGS I'd like to see before i knock out:

a. a AAA 3D sonic title

b. a nintendo developed game that has a "M rating"

c. redesgined PS controller

d. SEGA back in the console business

e. M$ out of the OS business

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Neoraf said:
1 million from Home... Big deal...

Think of the millions made by Microsoft in Xbox Live.

Sorry, but 1 million is nothing in this economic crisis.

Sony should make us pay for PSN.
The Microsoft Live structure on Xbox is a real success, Sony should build from that.

You're right paying for a service that should be free (And always has been until Microsoft joined the arena is a 'real' 'out of the park' success. Setting aside the fact that you can get comparable service to Xbox Live for completely free.



hey home is free and the XMB doesn't have ADS like certain company, right neoraf?

I am sorry but a I use to a huge expectations for this game but now I think it was a disappointment.


Hmm, now let's see if Home can get anywhere near helping Sony's deficit.