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Forums - General Discussion - luckily unlucky?!

flipping through the calendar i noticed there is going to be 3 friday the 13ths this year. i associate 3 with being lucky and 13 unlucky, although im not superstitious just how i always seen those we are luckily unlucky.


/end random notice of a certain day throughout the year

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An interesting occurrence. I wonder what's the record for Friday the 13th's? And is this hinting at a new Friday the 13th movie?

izaaz101 said:
An interesting occurrence. I wonder what's the record for Friday the 13th's? And is this hinting at a new Friday the 13th movie?


no clue and yes there is a new friday the 13th movie coming out coincidently its coming out on friday the 13th lol (the first of the 3 this year, which is feburary)

Oh, I didn't know that. It seems like a bad Friday the 13th to release it though........right before Valentine's Day? Unless it has some lover's tie-in for the story.

its supposed to be a remake of the original story or w/e not a big horror fan myself so dunno much of it. but i always thought of horror movies soft core pr0n mixed with some crazy dude killing people lol

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That reminds me of a line from That 70's Show.........I think it was Hyde who said it. Something to the tune of "The only thing that turns chicks on faster than porn is a horror flick. Someone should make a porno-horror film!"

Hmm, a search says that Kelso said it. Meh, I was close enough, lol. "Horror movies turn on chicks faster than porno!!...Yeah! If only somebody would make a porno-horror movie!"

silly kelso, that show was awesome lol

Yeah, that show was sweet. I was so addicted to it at one time during one of my breaks, I watched all 8 seasons in like a week......that was so cool. 8th season wasn't very good though. Kutcher got really famous at that time, and was too busy, and I don't know his name, but the fella who played Eric got busy filming movies. The replacement characters they brought in just blew.

has anyone ever noticed black sabbath albums tend to be released on friday the 13th? That means...gmph.... *runs to local record shop*

Meh, I've never had anything bad happen on Friday the 13th before. I'll start worrying when we have 13 Friday the 13ths in one year though.