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Forums - Sony Discussion - KIillzone 2 SuperBowl Commercial

This is an awesome superbowl commercial, we know this one worked.



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everyone in America watches the superbowl not just xbox 360 owners





Squilliam said:
Whats the point? According to the PS3 fans on this site, rednecks only own Xbox 360s!


I know you're joking around but all football fans =/= red necks

As a matter of fact. Arizona fans and Pittsburgh fans are neither in the redneck catagory.


Either way, this is a rumour, don't get all your hopes up. I doubt they would show this on the superbowl. This Superbowl is slated to have one of the lower rating (in terms of superbowls) but cost the most for advertisements.

Dallinor said:

Looks convincing enough.



 It seemed a little odd to me.  The shots they used almost made it look like some kind of RTS; the music wasn't anything special, and it looked like an average FPS game.  I think they should have (assuming this is going to be the ad) focused a lot more on showcasing the graphics from the first-person perspective.


To lavish praise upon this title, the assumption of a common plateau between player and game must be made.  I won't open my unworthy mouth.

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Holy shit. I never thought they'd do it!

Nice footage, but that last death animation always bugged me. The way his gun disappears.

Edit: Though it seems fake.  Hell, it's 52 seconds. It would have to be 30 seconds or a minute, and I'd hate to think how much a 60 second Superbowl ad would cost.

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depending on when it airs during the Superbowl and how many times. It could be big. More then 70 million people watch the Superbowl every year.

GamerTag/PSN ID JoshmyersBV (please add me I have 2 friends on Xbox Live)

Squilliam said:

This is an awesome superbowl commercial, we know this one worked.



and they blame sony for showing pre-rendered stuff.


but it was a good commercial




@bbsin, pittsburgh no. but Arizona is as redneck as you can get.





Honestly, as much as I'm hyped for KZ2, the commercial didn't make me say "wow".

Music should have been more "Epic".

Battlefield Bad Company 2 > Modern Warfare 2

deathgod33 said:
@bbsin, pittsburgh no. but Arizona is as redneck as you can get.


Trust me, as someone that lived in NC for a decade, Arizona can hardly be considered "redneck". Are there alot of Mexicans in Arizona? yes. But that doesn't mean the people that live there are rednecks.