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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Which companies(any company related to gaming) do you dislike/hate?

Nintendo. They piss me off so much, it robs me of sleep.


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Capcom's one of my favorites, but after Mikami, Inaba, and Kamiya jumped ship, their games became mediocre in general. Plus they're handing off too many classic ips to western developers to make into crap DL titles (Commando, 194whatever counterstrike invasion, bionic commando, ect)

Groucho said:

I'll be the first to say it: Microsoft.

I really dislike the policies they are trying to shove down user's throats as the norm... namely:

* Subscription fees for online
* Piecewise console sales (HDD, wireless network adaptor, controller recharge pack, HD-DVD addon, proprietary HDD, etc.)
* Low-quality hardware that's lucky to outlast its warranty, and that may damage your DVDs, games, etc.
* Lackluster backwards compatibility that requires purchasing the add-ons listed above to utilize.
* Heavy handed "theft" of cross-platform titles, turning them into 360 2nd-party exclusives, denying the consumer's right to choose which platform they prefer the title on.
* Limited 1st-party support.
* "Classic" ugly Microsoft user interface concepts (NXE).

Besides my issues with the controller, and the low-grade of the hardware (which is a major factor -- I want to be able to play games for a while after my warranty expires, if I treat my hardware well!) , the listed reasons are one of the main reasons I prefer my PS3, and wish Sony well.  Microsoft sucks.  I would prefer they stay away from gaming -- they're only in the console market to protect their other interests, and that doesn't benefit the gamer in any way.  They don't even care about competing, and upping the gaming quality bar, as much as making sure the other guy can't compete with Windows.  Lame.



i wouldnt say that last time somebody opposed microsoft had them poisoned(steve jobs)well im going that opposite i say apple

Oh yea, I really hate Midway too, but they probably won't be around much longer.

Groucho sounds like a bitter Playstation fanboy...

We are sorry if Microsoft hurts you.
Things change, my friend. Things change.

Nintendo fans said the same thing when Sony lauched the PSX, picking up Squaresoft support in the way.

Ride the wave, don't stay behind.
Microsoft is the new player. And a very strong one.

If you hate Microsoft... then maybe you should find another hobby.
Or play casual.


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Pretty much all gaming media earn my contempt and hatred.

I don't believe any game developers do, even if some of their actions annoy me, pretty much all game devs have made a game that either I like, or I can at least appreciate they put effort in.

Neoraf said:
Groucho sounds like a bitter Playstation fanboy...

We are sorry if Microsoft hurts you.
Things change, my friend. Things change.

Nintendo fans said the same thing when Sony lauched the PSX, picking up Squaresoft support in the way.

Ride the wave, don't stay behind.
Microsoft is the new player. And a very strong one.

If you hate Microsoft... then maybe you should find another hobby.
Or play casual.

I'm not a Playstation fanboy.  I despise Microsoft.  See the difference?

And pal, Microsoft hurts you, as a gamer, much more than me.  They enjoy your wallet, and your obedience.  If you find bliss in your ignorance of their mistreatment of you, then... good for you, I guess.


groucho wat company do u work at?

dsister44 said:
i hate epic, y do u hate gamecock


You hate Epic?  Why?  Are you a PS3 fanboy?  Epic makes one of the most legendary FPS of all-time which is the Unreal Tournament series and now they make Gears of War which kicks ass also.

(Predicted on 5/31/11) END of 2011 Sales - Xbox 360 = 62M;  PS3 = 59M;  Wii = 97M

Zomb1337 said:
dsister44 said:
i hate epic, y do u hate gamecock


You hate Epic?  Why?  Are you a PS3 fanboy?  Epic makes one of the most legendary FPS of all-time which is the Unreal Tournament series and now they make Gears of War which kicks ass also.



um check my sig.i just dont like several of the developers there.cliffy b and mark rein.and now they r going to make the last level of games dlc maybe.i cant get live.that and i dont care 4 gow u can check my collection