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Forums - Sony Discussion - What are you hoping to see in the PS3 3.0 update?

Cross-game voice chat
Voice messages
For viewing/comparing Trophies in game to be much faster, as fast as XBL.
Cross-game invites

^That's all I really care about right now.


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KBG29 said:
-Ability to Password protect user name

-Expansion to the new photo viewer application. Add in the ability to edit photos to a small extent.
-The ability to lock folders, and set them to view by all, or view buy user .... only.
-A quick jump to the top or bottom of a folder. (If you have like 300 photos in a folder it can be a pain to scrol all the way up or down.)

-Ability to have continuos play through folders.

-Ability to lock folders, and set to view by user ... or all.

-Allow save data to be uploaded to a server tied to your PSN account for file protection.

-Add a icon for the PS Blog to encourage users to get involoved with the community, and stay informed.
-Allow the system to open PDF's in the web browser.
-Allow priting functions within the browser.
-Improve the flash support.
-Add a copy/paste option for text.
-Allow web pages to be saved to the system.
-Fix Google Video.

_Playstation Network
-Add a Music Store
-Impliment one DRM across the whole store. Five active systems, no download limit, on games, movie, and music.

-Show Trophy level next to users names.
-Make select a hot key for a quick message.
-Load friends info quicker.
-Expand the file limit for messages.
-Add the ability to leave a voice, or video message.

_Overall Enhancments
-Add Software B/C for PS2 games, with upscaling.
-Add a new section to the XMB for IPTV, allow users to view picture in picture, as well as DVR content
-Allow users to buy and rent smaller multiplatform titles off PSN.
-Allow In-Movie XMB, and In-Game XMB for PS1/PS2.
-Add a ringtone creater to the music section.
-Add a video editor to the Video section, the ability to create videos using photos, music, and movies on your HDD, and upload them to youtube.
-Allow PS3 to convert video to a playable format for itself, and for PSP.
-Tie Trophies into Home.
-Intergrate Home into the XMB.

That would satisfy me!  Only think I'd add is I want the internet radio from PSP.  I love the Internet Radio on PSP and it bugs me every time I look at XMB on PS3 it doesn't have it.

I'd also like better parental controls.  Essentially the ability to set the protection age limit by account as well as the ability to have individual account passwords.



Try to be reasonable... its easier than you think...