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Forums - Sony Discussion - Create a roster for a Sony version of Super Smash Bros

Don't mean to be off topic here (in a contributing way), but wasn't there already a huge thread on this?

Sony smash bros. or something like that?

Around the Network

1. Tanner (Driver Series)

2. Alex Trebek/Pat Sajak (haha Sony owns Wheel of Fortune and Jeopardy)

3. Mark Hammond (Getaway Series)

4. Helghast Soldier/Jan Templar (Killzone Series)

5. Crash Bandicoot

6. Ape from Ape Escape

7. Kratos (God of War if you don't already know)

8. Driver (Gran Turismo)

9. Girl from Heavenly Sword

10. Nathan Drake and Nathan Hale (Uncharted/Resistance)

11. Ratchet/Clank

12. Navy Seal from SOCOM

13. IF its good then the lead character from Infamous

14. Jak/Daxter

I just wish Dante was in Onimuha: Blade Warriors. 4 different Megamans in a teen game based on a mature game. Woudn't Dante have made more sense.

I guess Dante and some War of the Monsters guys for names that weren't mentioned.

 Go Team Venture! I still don't get the Wii, PS Move,  and Kinect.

@Ajescent I totally agree


forget super smash style..

i’d name some characters, but i think everyone is pretty much covered..

hell, some i didn’t even know was sony’s... [esp alex trebek / pat sajak LOL]


i’ll alwayz bet mah money on kratos, maybe sackboy even



damn, nariko is hot. nariko would be a great character