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Forums - Sales Discussion - Hirai: Xbox "lacks longevity" and Wii doesn't count so PS3 will win.

BTFeather55 said:
seece said:
BTFeather55 said:
seece said:
BTFeather55 said:
Well, he is right about the 360, the closer we get to the release of Gears 3, the closer we get to the launch of the next xbox and the retirement of the 360. And, the Wii is a 6th gen console (albeit the strongest one) competing for the favor of people that have never been that much into gaming while losing a lot of longtime gamers that weren't raised on Nintendo.

Dude do you have to keep going on about Gears 3 and it being the end of the 360, you know nothing.


When they release Gears 3, what its? oh fuck we need to release the next xbox, we have nothing left ....



If they release Gears 3 on the current 360, they will have a much harder time selling the next xbox, and when your key game is headed towards your next console most other development starts to follow.

Of course, if they choose to keep the 360 on the market much longer the PS3 will overtake it by the end of 2010 as Sony will have a massive quantity of exclusive games on the way from first and second parties, Hideo Kojima, Sega, and Square while other than Halo and Gears the 360 really doesn't have any strong games and Gears really saved it last holiday season. Without Gears, the PS3 would have slaughtered the 360 during the holidays.

Oh ok this is where I stopped reading.



Well, that's nice to know that you didn't need to read the explanation why because a period there probably does suffice for some people.


Most people would stop reading there because it is an idiotic prediction!

The PS3 has been losing ground to the XBox 360 since it launched and unless it sees a price reduction that Sony can't afford 2009 will (probably) be the year when the PS3 loses the most ground to the XBox 360. Even if Sony holds their own through 2009, in 2010 they would need to sell 8 to 10 Million more units than the XBox 360 which Sony has no capacity to manufacture.

Around the Network
Pristine20 said:
bardicverse said:
Pristine20 said:
Seriously, did you guys expect Kaz to come out and say "I agree with all the game journalists, ps3 is doomed" or "ps3 is in last place and it's future looks bleak"? Is that what you would've said if you were in his shoes? I guess that's why he is CEO and chances are that you could never get to that kind of position.


Something a little more intelligent and less 4th grade would be nice from the head of a company. Maybe even something a little humble, like "Our past direction may not have headed where we would have liked, but we have new visions for our direction, bringing the Playstation brand into a more favorable position"

Hell, they should hire me as their spokesperson.

From the look of things, humility = concession in this industry. I don't think you'd want to admit to future game console purchasers that you've conceeded especially when you're currently last. The rest of the idea sound vague, the question would then be "exactly what does this doomsday company plan to do?"


Fair point, but in this case, its more of an honor/honesty thing. The industry already knows Sony is struggling. They are already at a point of asking "What does Sony plan to do?" Right now the answer is, cover their ears and ignore the facts. The industry can get behind Sony if they show some actual leadership skills and offer new incentives for both developers and the consumers alike. The denial needs to stop if they want to be taken seriously again.


HappySqurriel said:
BTFeather55 said:
seece said:
BTFeather55 said:
seece said:
BTFeather55 said:
Well, he is right about the 360, the closer we get to the release of Gears 3, the closer we get to the launch of the next xbox and the retirement of the 360. And, the Wii is a 6th gen console (albeit the strongest one) competing for the favor of people that have never been that much into gaming while losing a lot of longtime gamers that weren't raised on Nintendo.

Dude do you have to keep going on about Gears 3 and it being the end of the 360, you know nothing.


When they release Gears 3, what its? oh fuck we need to release the next xbox, we have nothing left ....



If they release Gears 3 on the current 360, they will have a much harder time selling the next xbox, and when your key game is headed towards your next console most other development starts to follow.

Of course, if they choose to keep the 360 on the market much longer the PS3 will overtake it by the end of 2010 as Sony will have a massive quantity of exclusive games on the way from first and second parties, Hideo Kojima, Sega, and Square while other than Halo and Gears the 360 really doesn't have any strong games and Gears really saved it last holiday season. Without Gears, the PS3 would have slaughtered the 360 during the holidays.

Oh ok this is where I stopped reading.



Well, that's nice to know that you didn't need to read the explanation why because a period there probably does suffice for some people.


Most people would stop reading there because it is an idiotic prediction!

The PS3 has been losing ground to the XBox 360 since it launched and unless it sees a price reduction that Sony can't afford 2009 will (probably) be the year when the PS3 loses the most ground to the XBox 360. Even if Sony holds their own through 2009, in 2010 they would need to sell 8 to 10 Million more units than the XBox 360 which Sony has no capacity to manufacture.



Heavens to Murgatoids.

senseinobaka said:
lol, Poor Kaz has caught the kutaragitis.

Also there's a general lack of understanding of what 'competition' is. Benga Benga is correct in his assertions and those who disagree will benefit from enrolling in a Business 101 or Economics 101 class at their local community college.

This post is full of win.


My Mario Kart Wii friend code: 2707-1866-0957

I like the way he thinks!

Off topic, d21lewis has issued this press release:

"Lewis said that, regardless of who she's with, or who has more sex with her and when, "I'd like to think that we continue the official relationship with Amy."

He told Official VGChartz thread readers: "It's difficult to talk about Nick because we don't look at his penis as being a competitor. They're a different world and we operate in our world - that's kind of the way I look at things.

"And with the Ricky - again, I can't come up with one word to fit. You need a word that describes something that lacks longevity," said Lewis.

"Last time I checked, they've never had a relationship that's been able to last for more than four or five years and we've committed to a ten year sex life with Amy, so you do the math.

"And unless things go really bad," added Lewis, "there's no way that at the end of my life cycle my competition is going to have a higher install (of their penis into Amy's vagina)."

Amy is such a whore.

Around the Network
BTFeather55 said:
HappySqurriel said:
BTFeather55 said:
seece said:
BTFeather55 said:
seece said:
BTFeather55 said:
Well, he is right about the 360, the closer we get to the release of Gears 3, the closer we get to the launch of the next xbox and the retirement of the 360. And, the Wii is a 6th gen console (albeit the strongest one) competing for the favor of people that have never been that much into gaming while losing a lot of longtime gamers that weren't raised on Nintendo.

Dude do you have to keep going on about Gears 3 and it being the end of the 360, you know nothing.


When they release Gears 3, what its? oh fuck we need to release the next xbox, we have nothing left ....



If they release Gears 3 on the current 360, they will have a much harder time selling the next xbox, and when your key game is headed towards your next console most other development starts to follow.

Of course, if they choose to keep the 360 on the market much longer the PS3 will overtake it by the end of 2010 as Sony will have a massive quantity of exclusive games on the way from first and second parties, Hideo Kojima, Sega, and Square while other than Halo and Gears the 360 really doesn't have any strong games and Gears really saved it last holiday season. Without Gears, the PS3 would have slaughtered the 360 during the holidays.

Oh ok this is where I stopped reading.



Well, that's nice to know that you didn't need to read the explanation why because a period there probably does suffice for some people.


Most people would stop reading there because it is an idiotic prediction!

The PS3 has been losing ground to the XBox 360 since it launched and unless it sees a price reduction that Sony can't afford 2009 will (probably) be the year when the PS3 loses the most ground to the XBox 360. Even if Sony holds their own through 2009, in 2010 they would need to sell 8 to 10 Million more units than the XBox 360 which Sony has no capacity to manufacture.



     In the long run, Microsoft can't keep up on the gaming front.  Go back and look at the history of their first and second party games (Halo, Gears, Forza, PGR, Fable, Sudeki, Brute Force, Azurik, Too Human) only two have ever appealed to a massively large audience.  On the other hand Sony has several first, second, and third party exclusives coming out over the next two years from developers with years of creating AAA titles and massively popular games under their belts. 


Heavens to Murgatoids.

@d21lewis: LOL.

On another note, if you're a shareholder you gotta start wondering whether it's worth it to have SCE in the company. I mean, if they still have official leadership and can't make a profit, perhaps the gaming market is not what it's hyped up to be.


My Mario Kart Wii friend code: 2707-1866-0957

BTFeather55 said:
BTFeather55 said:
HappySqurriel said:
BTFeather55 said:
seece said:
BTFeather55 said:
seece said:
BTFeather55 said:
Well, he is right about the 360, the closer we get to the release of Gears 3, the closer we get to the launch of the next xbox and the retirement of the 360. And, the Wii is a 6th gen console (albeit the strongest one) competing for the favor of people that have never been that much into gaming while losing a lot of longtime gamers that weren't raised on Nintendo.

Dude do you have to keep going on about Gears 3 and it being the end of the 360, you know nothing.


When they release Gears 3, what its? oh fuck we need to release the next xbox, we have nothing left ....



If they release Gears 3 on the current 360, they will have a much harder time selling the next xbox, and when your key game is headed towards your next console most other development starts to follow.

Of course, if they choose to keep the 360 on the market much longer the PS3 will overtake it by the end of 2010 as Sony will have a massive quantity of exclusive games on the way from first and second parties, Hideo Kojima, Sega, and Square while other than Halo and Gears the 360 really doesn't have any strong games and Gears really saved it last holiday season. Without Gears, the PS3 would have slaughtered the 360 during the holidays.

Oh ok this is where I stopped reading.



Well, that's nice to know that you didn't need to read the explanation why because a period there probably does suffice for some people.


Most people would stop reading there because it is an idiotic prediction!

The PS3 has been losing ground to the XBox 360 since it launched and unless it sees a price reduction that Sony can't afford 2009 will (probably) be the year when the PS3 loses the most ground to the XBox 360. Even if Sony holds their own through 2009, in 2010 they would need to sell 8 to 10 Million more units than the XBox 360 which Sony has no capacity to manufacture.



     In the long run, Microsoft can't keep up on the gaming front.  Go back and look at the history of their first and second party games (Halo, Gears, Forza, PGR, Fable, Sudeki, Brute Force, Azurik) only two have ever appealed to a massively large audience.  On the other hand Sony has several first, second, and third party exclusives coming out over the next two years from developers with years of creating AAA titles and massively popular games under their belts. 


Yes there is such thing as creating new IP's. You know you have to start somewhere, Microsoft don't have a previous console selling 100M+


You're biased for Sony thats why you're talking crap and you know it.



Wow just wow. Are they really full of themselves. This is becoming a big joke. Stop with this nonsense. Both the Xbox and Nintendo are competitors. Its like they are in a fantasy world.

seece said:
BTFeather55 said:
BTFeather55 said:
HappySqurriel said:
BTFeather55 said:
seece said:
BTFeather55 said:
seece said:
BTFeather55 said:
Well, he is right about the 360, the closer we get to the release of Gears 3, the closer we get to the launch of the next xbox and the retirement of the 360. And, the Wii is a 6th gen console (albeit the strongest one) competing for the favor of people that have never been that much into gaming while losing a lot of longtime gamers that weren't raised on Nintendo.

Dude do you have to keep going on about Gears 3 and it being the end of the 360, you know nothing.


When they release Gears 3, what its? oh fuck we need to release the next xbox, we have nothing left ....



If they release Gears 3 on the current 360, they will have a much harder time selling the next xbox, and when your key game is headed towards your next console most other development starts to follow.

Of course, if they choose to keep the 360 on the market much longer the PS3 will overtake it by the end of 2010 as Sony will have a massive quantity of exclusive games on the way from first and second parties, Hideo Kojima, Sega, and Square while other than Halo and Gears the 360 really doesn't have any strong games and Gears really saved it last holiday season. Without Gears, the PS3 would have slaughtered the 360 during the holidays.

Oh ok this is where I stopped reading.



Well, that's nice to know that you didn't need to read the explanation why because a period there probably does suffice for some people.


Most people would stop reading there because it is an idiotic prediction!

The PS3 has been losing ground to the XBox 360 since it launched and unless it sees a price reduction that Sony can't afford 2009 will (probably) be the year when the PS3 loses the most ground to the XBox 360. Even if Sony holds their own through 2009, in 2010 they would need to sell 8 to 10 Million more units than the XBox 360 which Sony has no capacity to manufacture.



     In the long run, Microsoft can't keep up on the gaming front.  Go back and look at the history of their first and second party games (Halo, Gears, Forza, PGR, Fable, Sudeki, Brute Force, Azurik) only two have ever appealed to a massively large audience.  On the other hand Sony has several first, second, and third party exclusives coming out over the next two years from developers with years of creating AAA titles and massively popular games under their belts. 


Yes there is such thing as creating new IP's. You know you have to start somewhere, Microsoft don't have a previous console selling 100M+


You're biased for Sony thats why you're talking crap and you know it.



         For every original IP like Gears and Halo that Microsoft has tried to come up with over the last eight years they have two more like Sudeki, Brute Force, Too Human, and Azurik  that never came close to hitting the 1 million mark or were series that started off hot but fizzled out like Mech Assault and PGR.


Heavens to Murgatoids.