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I like the way he thinks!

Off topic, d21lewis has issued this press release:

"Lewis said that, regardless of who she's with, or who has more sex with her and when, "I'd like to think that we continue the official relationship with Amy."

He told Official VGChartz thread readers: "It's difficult to talk about Nick because we don't look at his penis as being a competitor. They're a different world and we operate in our world - that's kind of the way I look at things.

"And with the Ricky - again, I can't come up with one word to fit. You need a word that describes something that lacks longevity," said Lewis.

"Last time I checked, they've never had a relationship that's been able to last for more than four or five years and we've committed to a ten year sex life with Amy, so you do the math.

"And unless things go really bad," added Lewis, "there's no way that at the end of my life cycle my competition is going to have a higher install (of their penis into Amy's vagina)."

Amy is such a whore.