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Forums - Gaming Discussion - NON Biased, NON Fanboy, PS360 Owners answer me this ..

Badassbab said:
Darc Requiem said:

PS3 Fanboys annoy me the most personally. Mainly because of their selective amnesia. They often attack competing companies, Microsoft in particular, for things Sony has done in the past.

They often complain about money hats purchases exclusivity when that is what Sony used to to beat out Nintendo and Sega for the number one position in the industry. Third parties are back stabbing Sony according them. Square Enix is their current target. Because of the events surrounding the most recent Final Fantasy and Star Ocean titles, the fact that both of those titles started on Nintendo consoles seems to be conveniently forgotten.

They complain endlessly about RROD yet forget about that hardware issues were the norm prior to the PS3. The PS1 was plagued by over heating and DRE issues. The DRE issues was more prevalent on the PS2 than the PS1. The PSP had dead pixel and square button issues. Yet according PS3 fanboys, Sony is the bastion of quality.

Their paranoia astounds me as well. Any criticism of Sony is "Sony/PS3 Hate" even when its legitimate. Fanboys saying the PS3 has no games is Sony/PS3 Hate. Fanboys saying that Sony should have fixed that jackass' dirt riddled PS3 is Sony/PS3 Hate. News publications and websites reporting on Sony's financial troubles is not hate.

I have a feeling your in your mid twenty's or older cause ur post is just so true. I just can't believe how anyone could complain about third party 'exclusives' no longer being the case. Tough luck! And I so remember PS2 laser problems. So many faulty PS2's ended up on eBay.

Yep, I am. It's funny because I've seen all the fanboys arguments before.

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I just believe that their ALL ya games enjoy them for your system and STFU...stating your hate for a console will not win over anyone nor is it going to get them to BUY your FAVORITE console lol...GROW UP

on this forum? Nintendo fanboys no contest. 360 and PS3 fanboys at least beat each other up more or less on issues. (haha multiplatform games look better on my platform ... Killzone2 looks better than any 360 game ...) Which is good clean sometimes a littlebit rough fun.

While Wii fanboys often have the annoying habit of attacking PS360 gamers personally as stupid, bloodthirsty, teenagers ... It is also amazing what happens when reviews bash their precious gaming revolution. Suddenly nobody understands the genius that is Nintendo reviews are flawed yada yada yada ... Nintendo reality distortion field in overdrive.

Sardauk said:
CAL4M1TY said:
Actually.. if PS3 fanboys and Wii fans annoy the 360 fanboys the most, and vice versa (x2).. .would it not be the case that a nonfanboy would find all 3 of them equally annoying?

So therefore, everyone who listed a particular fanboy is in turn a fanboy themselves.



Funny, I asked the same question when I joined the forum...


PS3 fanboys are the most annoying of course !! They flood the forum like true sony marketing zealots specialist.

Always full of crap articles about their next messiah (for those who just came back from a trip to the moon, this is Killzone 2..)? HUUUUGE signatures with images and videos of their favorite games, sony propaganda...and bizarre biased analysis on how PS3 will sell 10 million sku in 2 weeks...

This is an agression for me every time I open a post about PS3 related stuffs (oh my eeeeeyes !! )

Wii fanboys are less active but don't flame with them... cause they can swarm you in a second !!


...and 360 fanboys are just perfect! Did I complete your commentary? Crap articles about their messiah huh? If you ask me: 1. What are you doing trolling the sony forums since you despise it's users?

2. The majority of articles posted on this site as of chrstmas season and beyond has been negative. Most of them, we have to thank 360 and wii fans for.

3. So you complain about pictures sigs too now huh? I also see sigs around here with people showing that nothing can "save" the ps3 and similar content..but those must not be a problem right? Seems to me that you just want a reason to despise. What a joke...

"Dr. Tenma, according to you, lives are equal. That's why I live today. But you must have realised it by now...the only thing people are equal in is death"---Johann Liebert (MONSTER)

"WAR is a racket. It always has been.

It is possibly the oldest, easily the most profitable, surely the most vicious. It is the only one international in scope. It is the only one in which the profits are reckoned in dollars and the losses in lives"---Maj. Gen. Smedley Butler

c0rrupt_gamer said:
The_vagabond7 said:

PS3 fanboys. They aren't used to losing and think it's a massive injustice that people aren't praising the PS3 up and down like the last two PS systems.

I'm a PS3 owner,, and I MUST say this:  You are completely, 100% right.

It's shamefull to enter a forum and see how people get mad at other people just because they don't think the PS3 its the best thing in the world...

So my vote goes to PS3 fanboys...



So basically, because you purchased a ps3, the weight of your vote for ps3 fanboys is higher

"Dr. Tenma, according to you, lives are equal. That's why I live today. But you must have realised it by now...the only thing people are equal in is death"---Johann Liebert (MONSTER)

"WAR is a racket. It always has been.

It is possibly the oldest, easily the most profitable, surely the most vicious. It is the only one international in scope. It is the only one in which the profits are reckoned in dollars and the losses in lives"---Maj. Gen. Smedley Butler

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MaxwellGT2000 said:
Snake said:
Microsoft fanboys are the worst(fixed that for you). they invented console war


LOL you can't be serious?  "Console war" goes back as far as PC vs consoles, when people used to be like "Consoles are for kids, real gamers play on PC with our grown up text RPGs where we can tell our characters to fuck themselves" *snicker* *has asthma attack*

Then after it was previlant that NES and consoles were here to stay it became SNES vs Genesis, which again Genesis played the "Nintendo is for kids card" that failed, PS1 pulled the same card but also grew the market by pulling in nongamers like the guys that used to think they were too good for games and those that beat up the gamer nerds (AKA Jocks) then you saw games like Madden sell like crazy even though it was the same crappy game every year (funny how life goes in circles) and so on till you come to today... MS didn't start it and they won't be the end of it, my nostradomus prediction is the final console war will be between Nintendo, Sony, SEGA!, and... ATARI WITH AN EPIC COME BACK C-C-C-C-C-COMBO BREAKER!

actually 360 fanboys started to attack Sony before PS3 was launched. 360 fanboys couldn't stand competition and couldn't stand more powerfull console next to theirs, so they started to make anti ps3 songs, anti ps3 blogs, sony is doomed blogs...


PS3 fanboys are the worst due to their multible threads a day about a single game and their general stupidity and loudness when they are involved in an a debate.

Wii fanboys aren't as vocal as PS3 fans, but they do protect Nintendo's honour with their life, completely ignoring some obvious faults. This is often accomplished by having double standerds and a quite annoying elitist attitude toward the other console fanboys and their "hardcore" games, as they like to say.

360 fanboys are in general the most level headed of the bunch, they won't hype a turd if it's exclusive to their console and generally only say fanboy bullshit to rile up the Sony fanboys.


TheDjib said:

PS3 fanboys are the worst due to their multible threads a day about a single game and their general stupidity and loudness when they are involved in an a debate.

Wii fanboys aren't as vocal as PS3 fans, but they do protect Nintendo's honour with their life, completely ignoring some obvious faults. This is often accomplished by having double standerds and a quite annoying elitist attitude toward the other console fanboys and their "hardcore" games, as they like to say.

360 fanboys are in general the most level headed of the bunch, they won't hype a turd if it's exclusive to their console and generally only say fanboy bullshit to rile up the Sony fanboys.


Perhaps the ps3 fans created ALL THOSE THREADS to rile you up? How long have you even been on this site before you resorted to posting this gibberish. Way to call people stupid when your post about 360 fanboys is an attack against reasoning. If people are impressed from what they've seen in a game, they're more than welcome to share with others, chances are that those so called "annoying threads" were posted in the sony forums which you shouldn't have trolled in the first place so before you spout BS about others, check your extraordinary fanboy goggles at the door.

Man, I can't stand people who think they're better than others...


"Dr. Tenma, according to you, lives are equal. That's why I live today. But you must have realised it by now...the only thing people are equal in is death"---Johann Liebert (MONSTER)

"WAR is a racket. It always has been.

It is possibly the oldest, easily the most profitable, surely the most vicious. It is the only one international in scope. It is the only one in which the profits are reckoned in dollars and the losses in lives"---Maj. Gen. Smedley Butler

Pristine20 said:
TheDjib said:

PS3 fanboys are the worst due to their multible threads a day about a single game and their general stupidity and loudness when they are involved in an a debate.

Wii fanboys aren't as vocal as PS3 fans, but they do protect Nintendo's honour with their life, completely ignoring some obvious faults. This is often accomplished by having double standerds and a quite annoying elitist attitude toward the other console fanboys and their "hardcore" games, as they like to say.

360 fanboys are in general the most level headed of the bunch, they won't hype a turd if it's exclusive to their console and generally only say fanboy bullshit to rile up the Sony fanboys.


Perhaps the ps3 fans created ALL THOSE THREADS to rile you up? How long have you even been on this site before you resorted to posting this gibberish. Way to call people stupid when your post about 360 fanboys is an attack against reasoning. If people are impressed from what they've seen in a game, they're more than welcome to share with others, chances are that those so called "annoying threads" were posted in the sony forums which you shouldn't have trolled in the first place so before you spout BS about others, check your extraordinary fanboy goggles at the door.

Man, I can't stand people who think they're better than others...


I never have trolled the PS3 forums as I only have a PS3. You can check my history if you want there is only 90 or so posts,and for the record, I have in fact been a member of this website longer than yourself.


sony fanboys bother me the most because they try to rationalize sony PR statements. I mean sure, each of the big 3 have some ridiculous statements but sony's are by far the most retarded (usually), and yet then you have a troop of people that try to make it seem reasonable.
