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Forums - Gaming Discussion - NON Biased, NON Fanboy, PS360 Owners answer me this ..

Esmoreit said:
The X360 and PS3 fanboys have been rightfully calles out now. PS fans being mostly irrational and way too pattriotic... the X360 fans mostly antagonistic.

I'd rather claim the Wii fans to be the most defensive. You'll hardly see a wii-fan starting a thread to bash a game, console, or whatever you call it (especially considering the ratio of nintendo-fans here on the site.)

Yet, when a thread is made on something that is, or might, place the wii in a bad daylight people will flock from all places to defend it, completely trashing the thread.
They are also the most likely derailing any thread between X360 and PS3 with a sentence somewhat like: Yeah, all fine and dandy but these numbers pale in comparison with the wii lol!



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naznatips said:
Wii Fanboys: Will hype anything, regardless of how bad it is. Then tell everyone that they are wrong for not liking it (not that they have a different opinion, they will call them flatout wrong). Arrogant, brag a lot. During slow software periods for the Wii they become extremely depressed about their own console also to the point of insulting. They can be hypocritical. Often complaining about stuff like "generic shooters" on other platforms then hyping stuff like The Conduit.

PS3 Fanboys: As has been mentioned, they are generally angry. Angry at others for not buying PS3s, angry at developers for PS3 not getting all the games they feel it should and for games not always being up to par with other platforms. They get both defensive and aggressive, generally against the 360 more than the Wii. Always hyping games not yet out, even to the point of ignoring the great ones that are, sometimes to the point of insulting their own best games (LBP?).

360 Fanboys: Smug, hypocritical. Reviews are the most important thing until you talk about something that didn't get good reviews (like 360 JRPGs), and then they suddenly never mattered. They specialize in the "stealth troll" where they will actually hunt the internet for bad news about systems they don't like. Target the PS3 far more than the Wii. Put hands over ears and sing loudly when PC is mentioned. Favorite words are "console exclusive" and "AAA."

The only ones I generally am able to tolerate are handheld game system and PC fanboys, as they are the only ones with the games to backup their attitudes. However, by definition a fanboy is not "grounded in reality." They are someone who takes love of their console past reality.

I like his answer best.


It seems like Wii fans are generally retaliatory rather than offensive.  When someone comes onto a forum with a "Wii is for babies and looks like crap!" line (it happens a LOT), then Wii fans defend it.  But I don't think they go into other places looking for trouble or to insult just to start a flame war.  I'm primarily a Wii player, so that's what I have the most experience with.  In every Wii-only forum I'm in, about 1/3 of the posts are anti-Wii.  I'm guessing it's becoz they're "ahead" right now, although I'm not sure why people consider it a competition between different consoles.

I still keep up to date on the other consoles though, and I actually had a 360 until very recently.  But it seems like from what I've seen, the 360 fans are the most aggressive, trashing stuff like Killzone 2 simply becoz PS3 fans are hyped about it, then trashing Wii stuff becoz it's not HD and "looks so terrible".  I  know they're 360 fans becoz they always list Gears of War and other XBOX exclusives as their "proof" that the 360 is somehow better than everything else.  I guess PS3 fans are too busy fighting with 360 fans to be worried about Wii fans maybe, so that's why I don't see them pop up in Wii forums as much.  I dunno.  

It will never end though, unfortunately. 


SHMUPGurus said:

The PS3 fanboys. The amount of threads they do to hype one game is incredible, and the patriotism is also at an incredibly high level!

Remember such words as "Killzone 2 Baby!!!" or "LBP will be huge!!!" and even "The cell isn't even used to its max yet!!!"


I would even go as far as saying that its more like a religion with new messiah.

No offense!! I just feel that some extreme ps fans were disgusted!!

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pearljammer said:
naznatips said:
Wii Fanboys: Will hype anything, regardless of how bad it is. Then tell everyone that they are wrong for not liking it (not that they have a different opinion, they will call them flatout wrong). Arrogant, brag a lot. During slow software periods for the Wii they become extremely depressed about their own console also to the point of insulting. They can be hypocritical. Often complaining about stuff like "generic shooters" on other platforms then hyping stuff like The Conduit.

PS3 Fanboys: As has been mentioned, they are generally angry. Angry at others for not buying PS3s, angry at developers for PS3 not getting all the games they feel it should and for games not always being up to par with other platforms. They get both defensive and aggressive, generally against the 360 more than the Wii. Always hyping games not yet out, even to the point of ignoring the great ones that are, sometimes to the point of insulting their own best games (LBP?).

360 Fanboys: Smug, hypocritical. Reviews are the most important thing until you talk about something that didn't get good reviews (like 360 JRPGs), and then they suddenly never mattered. They specialize in the "stealth troll" where they will actually hunt the internet for bad news about systems they don't like. Target the PS3 far more than the Wii. Put hands over ears and sing loudly when PC is mentioned. Favorite words are "console exclusive" and "AAA."

The only ones I generally am able to tolerate are handheld game system and PC fanboys, as they are the only ones with the games to backup their attitudes. However, by definition a fanboy is not "grounded in reality." They are someone who takes love of their console past reality.

I like his answer best.



I agree.  Double standards are part of the staple of being a fanboy to anything.  They are all hypocritical. The comments switch as soon as the shoe is on the other foot.  The funny thing is they all have so much in common except, basically, the  thing that are each arguing for.


Funny thing is, like people, they flow with the wind. Meaning whoever is winning will always be the most modest and accepting while whoever is losing will always be the most brutal. It's caused by self-interest. The need to put down something else to make yourself feel better. Whoever is winning, usually doesn't have to do this. Last generation, most of the Sony fanboys were quite modest, at least until the 360 released while the Ninty and MS fanboys were pretty brutal. This generation, the Ninty fanboys are pretty modest although a tad bit stubborn while the 360 and PS3 fanboys have been brutal. Brutal might be an understatement because some of you 360 and PS3 fanboys lack of respect for anything has had me quite disturbed sometimes.

Anyways, the lesson to be learned is that one, fanboys are bad in general. And two, that their attitudes flow with their own self-interest. They look for happiness in a certain aspect other than their own life and to accomplish that they have to bring others down along the way. It's quite sick if you ask me.

@Zucus the trick is to not take things seriously. My plan is to be a fanboy of all consoles, especially when maximum lulz can be achieved.

I demand you edit: "haha" into your post somewhere. I feel dirty reading it without one.


Squilliam said:
@Zucus the trick is to not take things seriously. My plan is to be a fanboy of all consoles, especially when maximum lulz can be achieved.

I demand you edit: "haha" into your post somewhere. I feel dirty reading it without one.

Yes taking nothing serious is another option.  But to achieve the same goal then you have to cause nothing but chaos.  Ya know the Joker approach.  Although great in theory and entertainment, not so great when dealing with real people.

Zucas said:
Squilliam said:
@Zucus the trick is to not take things seriously. My plan is to be a fanboy of all consoles, especially when maximum lulz can be achieved.

I demand you edit: "haha" into your post somewhere. I feel dirty reading it without one.

Yes taking nothing serious is another option.  But to achieve the same goal then you have to cause nothing but chaos.  Ya know the Joker approach.  Although great in theory and entertainment, not so great when dealing with real people.

I always had trouble believing that other people were real, with real thoughts, feelings and desires. I like to blame videogames for that.

