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Forums - Gaming Discussion - NON Biased, NON Fanboy, PS360 Owners answer me this ..

Everybody who doesn't like Suikoden is annoying.

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ZenfoldorVGI said:

How come I get the feeling most posts in this topic have me in mind.

I'm not a 360 fanboy. I'm a PS3 foeboy, to be sure, but I'm not exactly gonna lie or spin the PS3's situation. If it's grim, then that's how I report it, if it's sunny, same thing.

Frankly, I'm against the PS3 fans mainly because of how they treat fans of other consoles(due to their inferiority complex), and I'm against Sony itself because of the BR move, which promoted another industry at the expense of gamers.

I certainly think that PS3 fans should also be pissed at Sony, but who am I to destroy delusions.

As for gaming, yes, I certainly do know more about the industry and games in general than the vast majority of people here, but that's not too hard to do. Simply don't live under a rock, and remember what you read, and you'll be on an equal playing field with me.

If you don't know who Bioware is, or what their next few games are likely to be, then yes, you deserve to be flamed to hell. Don't blame me for imposing the law.

Overhype is the largest trespass of Sony fans, and I deal with it harshly. If you can handle the consequences, then overhype away, but know that ironically, you are hurting the exclusives you pretend to cherish. Foldor-Kun out.

You've got to be fucking kidding me. 

I'm voting for 360, for this comment alone.  That ego is out-of-control!

I probably shouldn't be commenting, since i'm not on the same level, though.  Maybe we could make another forum for people as smart as Zen?  Then again, he'd be there by himself, since he's so damn SMART.


Owner of PS4 Pro, Xbox One, Switch, PS Vita, and 3DS

Wii Fanboys: Will hype anything, regardless of how bad it is. Then tell everyone that they are wrong for not liking it (not that they have a different opinion, they will call them flatout wrong). Arrogant, brag a lot. During slow software periods for the Wii they become extremely depressed about their own console also to the point of insulting. They can be hypocritical. Often complaining about stuff like "generic shooters" on other platforms then hyping stuff like The Conduit.

PS3 Fanboys: As has been mentioned, they are generally angry. Angry at others for not buying PS3s, angry at developers for PS3 not getting all the games they feel it should and for games not always being up to par with other platforms. They get both defensive and aggressive, generally against the 360 more than the Wii. Always hyping games not yet out, even to the point of ignoring the great ones that are, sometimes to the point of insulting their own best games (LBP?).

360 Fanboys: Smug, hypocritical. Reviews are the most important thing until you talk about something that didn't get good reviews (like 360 JRPGs), and then they suddenly never mattered. They specialize in the "stealth troll" where they will actually hunt the internet for bad news about systems they don't like. Target the PS3 far more than the Wii. Put hands over ears and sing loudly when PC is mentioned. Favorite words are "console exclusive" and "AAA."

The only ones I generally am able to tolerate are handheld game system and PC fanboys, as they are the only ones with the games to backup their attitudes. However, by definition a fanboy is not "grounded in reality." They are someone who takes love of their console past reality.

naznatips said:
Wii Fanboys: Will hype anything, regardless of how bad it is. Then tell everyone that they are wrong for not liking it (not that they have a different opinion, they will call them flatout wrong). Arrogant, brag a lot. During slow software periods for the Wii they become extremely depressed about their own console also to the point of insulting. They can be hypocritical. Often complaining about stuff like "generic shooters" on other platforms then hyping stuff like The Conduit.

PS3 Fanboys: As has been mentioned, they are generally angry. Angry at others for not buying PS3s, angry at developers for PS3 not getting all the games they feel it should and for games not always being up to par with other platforms. They get both defensive and aggressive, generally against the 360 more than the Wii. Always hyping games not yet out, even to the point of ignoring the great ones that are, sometimes to the point of insulting their own best games (LBP?).

360 Fanboys: Smug, hypocritical. Reviews are the most important thing until you talk about something that didn't get good reviews (like 360 JRPGs), and then they suddenly never mattered. They specialize in the "stealth troll" where they will actually hunt the internet for bad news about systems they don't like. Target the PS3 far more than the Wii. Put hands over ears and sing loudly when PC is mentioned. Favorite words are "console exclusive" and "AAA."

The only ones I generally am able to tolerate are handheld game system and PC fanboys, as they are the only ones with the games to backup their attitudes. However, by definition a fanboy is not "grounded in reality." They are someone who takes love of their console past reality.


Are you sure those are the wii ones???? O.o

Ugh, definitely Maynard. Way too many examples unfortunately, which I don't feel like bringing into this.

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monlosez said:
PS3 and 360 fanboys are just ignoring Wii fanboys. Because they think Wii is not true gaming machine. They just want to bash each other.

I hate fanATIcs who buy craptastic ATI oooops I mean AMD graphics cards like the HD 4870 in your signature.



Na na, don't worry. Just.... making sure -.-

It's not that i agree, b/c the site itself has showed me a totally different story. But everyone has the right to his/her own opinion ;)

Btw, I think PS3 fans are just ****ing Nvidiots!

Edit: In case anyone thinks that my last two posts are trolling I will explain. The PC gaming community hosts the most retarded class of fanboy, by which all other fanboys are judged. These fanboys are fanatical about the graphics card manufacturer in their systems.

ATI fanboys = FanATIcs.

Nvidia fanboys = Nvidiots

Awesome stuff eh? Now we can go back to our regularly scheduled trolling.


I have to say... 360 users, trying to be "Hardcore" all the time... If you don't believe me get on XBL... You'll see...

CGI-Quality said:
@ naznatips

That's the most reasonable and honest post in here, nice!


Helps to own every current gen gaming machine (PC, PSP, DS, 360, PS3, and Wii).  You really see the stupidity of everyone when you own everything because nothing actually matters anymore but the games.  I don't think about what console I'm playing the most. It's not even a point for me. I don't care about any of them. All I care about is what great game I happen to be playing at the time. What console it's on, who made it, that crap doesn't matter. So when you own everything and look at people arguing over the hardware that plays the games, it really gives you a new perspective on stupidity.