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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Smash Bros on the DS

spdk1 said:
look up videos for "jump ultimate stars"

Agreed.  Jump is essentially Smash Bros. on the DS.

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ill buy a ds agian for it

Wondered that when the DS came out... Also, JSS & JUS are not the same as SSB.

Also, there WAS a Homebrew game that looked really good, but was canned by a (somewhat-presumed fake) Cease & Desist Letter. It was by Dual-Soft... I Can't even find the pics anymore... If only that faking douche hadn't sent that stupid letter, I'd be playing it right now...

and there's always THIS:

they aren't the same but its a way to show those who always say "the DS can't handle SSB" a way it could happen

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taomaster06 said:
i think they should leave it on the console. the screen is too small for it imo.


Why can't they just give you a decent sized view and never pull out since you have your own two screens.  Those bubles that appear in the corner would let you know where your competitors are when they aren't on your screen much like in every game of the SSB franchise.  Or you could limit action to one screen and have a map with icons for what's going on in the non-visible areas but i prefer option 1.

I think it would  be neat if the everything was 2D but given the large character roster it would be a LOT of work. Besides nintendo is good at artstyle and when developers have that, 3D actually does tend to look good and sharp on the DS. Chibi and baby characters would be too cute :)

A level editor would work well with the stylus and is badly needed since they seem to get worse and worse with stage design as the series progresses.

Online.  I would endure friend codes for this

I have stated it and will repeat.  I would buy a DS for that game.  I know so many others that would too.

Its too late for Smash Bros Ds; they don't need it. It would be a good launch title for Nintendo's next handheld to get the hardcore on board, though. I'm sure it would make a good ever green title, so getting it out early wouldn't hurt lifetime sales.

I would not buy it. Fighting games bore me.

I would only buy it if it had great DS download play.

Nintendo still doomed?
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