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Forums - Gaming Discussion - What was your first RPG?

Final Fantasy VIII

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Chrono Trigger!!! and I haven't found another RPG to top it yet.

final fantasy VII

Zelda (NES)

Pristine20 said:
final fantasy viii

I bought it because of how coll the cover looked. I thought it was a DMC-style adventure game then when battle came, I was thinking WTF? I almost returned it. It was the story that made me decide against returning it then I just got used to the battle system and JRPGs became my fav genre

Huh? Did you play FF VIII that late? Otherwise how would you have thought it was like a game that wasn't invented yet?


Tag: Became a freaking mod and a complete douche, coincidentally, at the same time.

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Dragon Warrior. Although, the first RPG that I had finished was Final Fantasy.

I think either Pokemon Red or Quest 64 was my first RPG.

Final Fantasy X was RPG I actually beat on a home console though.

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Well the first time I encountered EXP points and armor and weapon upgrades with several properties was in Castlevania: SotM, which most people consider an action RPG. But the first real RPG I played was FVII.


Top that.

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