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Forums - PC Discussion - Switched to Linux, need help

Everyone is throwing "windows 7" as an answer to everything these days...

It's just one more MS OS that will be deprecated before release and will stay on the market for 4 years...

They will know Helgan belongs to Helghasts

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Win7 is a lot better than WinVista though. As long as I can get compatible drivers for my wireless (which I currently cannot get), then I'm definitely going to. My short-lived experience with Win7 has proven that it really will fix every problem I have. Especially if it fixes Vista compatibility issues, too.


Bokal, have you ran Windows 7 yourself?


thetonestarr said:

Yeah. I was trying to edit that in when Firefox decided it needed a restart, and I figured the system needed a reboot anyhow.

Right now, I'm trying to figure out how to install my display drivers (ATI Radeon HD 2400). By the way things look, first I need XFree86-Mesa-libGL, libstdc++, libgcc, XFree86-libs, fontconfig, freetype, zlib, and gcc installed.

And in order to install THOSE, I need to be able to run .rpm files, apparently. Because those are designed for Redhat and Fedora Linux, and I'm running Ubuntu.



Vgchartz seems designed to crash webbrowsers. I have a 2000 machine, a G4 iBook, and a 64-bit fedora machine at work this website crashes IE and firefox on all of the above unless I disable java.

Really? Wow. You should probably mention that in website discussion. That's a ridiculous problem that should be fixed.


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Odd. I just turned on my PC to start installing a new copy of Vista...

...and the boot table was fixed. It booted right up to my ordinary everyday copy of Vista.

Still gonna go with the better Premium edition though.


So it took 7+ pages to figure out how to install a video card driver? So what was it you didnt like about Windows?

Uh, firstly, 7+ pages? We're on the third page.

Second, if you'd actually pay attention and read the thread, we're hardly even talking about that issue. I had that problem figured out a week and a half ago.


Windows is a terrible use of system resources, is my #1 problem with it. And besides that, it's terribly buggy, and it's made by Microsoft.

Three strikes, my friend.




In other news, rebooted and the GRUB issue was there. Rebooted again... and it was gone. Wtf?


Bokal said:
Everyone is throwing "windows 7" as an answer to everything these days...

It's just one more MS OS that will be deprecated before release and will stay on the market for 4 years...

This happens with every iteration. I remember the leadup to 95 when everyone was saying it would solve all the worlds problems. Specifically I remember an MS demo at a convention where they claimed the OS would never crash.


thetonestarr said:

In other news, rebooted and the GRUB issue was there. Rebooted again... and it was gone. Wtf?


Sounds like the classic MS taking over the MBR issue. If you want to dual boot windows and any non-MS OS you have to install the MS OS's first or they will steal control of the MBR from grub or lilo.

Actually, I'm surprised it fixed itself.