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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Buy a review?


Posted in Video Game Media Watch, Sony, Journalism by David Gornoski on the July 30th, 2007

For Immediate Release: Game journalists, Sony Online Entertainment may want to pay you for your opinion. Here’s how it works.

WHEN: The event is scheduled for August 2, 2007.

WHERE: It’s taking place at the SOE Fan Faire event in beautiful Las Vegas, Nevada.

HOW: It’s simple. In traditional Vegas fashion, leave your conscience at the door (in this case, your journalistic one). In essence, you and five other lucky journalists will discuss current and future SOE titles with Sony producers. It will be NDA’ed, so unwind and relax. Your honest opinion is highly valued so you’ll be comfortably rewarded for your time. The publisher will be providing hotel, airfare, and, of course, $1,000 for your take on its titles. Worried the event won’t be worth your time? Don’t be. Several other journalists test drove a similar SOE event in late 2005. Needless to say, it went well.

WHAT: the heck?!?! Shame on you, Sony. And shame on the journalists who take up this offer. Leave it to the game media to bring yet another form of prostitution to the city of Las Vegas.

And remember, what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas…except for certain game publications’ editorial content once the NDA’s expire.

P.S. This article was not produced by Sony Online Entertainment.


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I guess companies no longer have to be discrete when they're trying to buy journalists. It's just too bad we can't get a list of the journalists that have already attended and the ones that will be so we know who to completely ignore from now on.

I find it interesting how quickly this thread slipped off the front page, and how fast it began to slip down the forum. Like a regular Typhoid Mary. Especially on these forums where a rampant console loyalist will grab onto any negative press like a life preserver. I would have expected a little more heat from this thread. Especially since it is not headline news on other sites. Has the community become so jaded that we expect companies to do this kind of thing, or even think it is acceptable. Sony is basically bribing journalists. They are paying for some kind reviews.

I refuse to believe that this community has nothing at all to say about this. Now if you can go off on a tear about a unfair game review of a game you yourself have not played. Then surely you can summon the will to talk about a company one of the big three no less buying journalists that will make such reviews. This should be discussed otherwise you have no right to gripe when bribed journalists bloat scores, or undercut a product.

This is very news worthy, and it definitely merits a serious discussion.

All companies do it, maybe in different ways, maybe to varying degrees, i think its more telling of this forum that people are willing to keep their heads in the sand and act like Sony is the big bad wolf as usual. You have a reporter anonymously contacting through a blog

There is a better article, well written on a nintendo site about this regarding all companies and how they basically grab people by the balls and force reviews.....this is nothing new and to act like Sony is the only company doesnt surprise me here....doesnt make it right (if its even true) but to be completely honest, flying some kids out to vegas an dgiving them 1,000 isnt earthshattering compared to other tactics used.......ill try to find that other article, but it was on here at one time.


EDIT: Also, kinda ironic that Sony cant seem to get a decent review lately compared to 360 titles, eh? Maybe there was a secret MSFT party that we dont know about, haha. This kinda stuff is ocmmon practice.....just look at the EGM lair review "Dragons shooting fireballs doesnt seem realistic" "Its grey" "it has no soul" Not saying theyre paid but reviewers are shit nowadays and im sure this is one of the reasons why, $$$$