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Wipes his ass with broken glass


Reputation proceeds me, they told you I'm crazy, I swear I don't love the drama it loves me <3


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made a sex tape with a guy named Fred.

Ate meat balls!!


Reputation proceeds me, they told you I'm crazy, I swear I don't love the drama it loves me <3



OT: likes Yaoi

Thinks the Beetles are better than Taylor Swift


Reputation proceeds me, they told you I'm crazy, I swear I don't love the drama it loves me <3


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Likes Todd Swan

Tried to eat a blue shell, choked on it, managed to gulp it down, and later pooped out a Koopa.

is a member of 4chan

Okay since this is the internets and I have a certain level of anonymity I can tell you guys this about Indodude and why you should never go out drinking with him

Okay the lastnight started out just fine him and I and a couple other guys went out to this bar down the street, a nice jazz club that I can no longer show my face in. We start by ordering a round of beer and relax to put out the “I am so freaking cool I don’t care what is going on vibe” always worked in this joint…..well no more then five minutes later we are getting the eye from a table of girls. Well before you can say my name, we are one big happy table shooting the shit and drinking the place dry. It was a good time, the guy on the mic was playing a little number with some trumpet and mouth harp, kinda odd together but working it non the less

So I reach my limit and the girls while fine are not grabbing my attention so I excuse my self and call it a night, the usually teasing comes around but ehh

I also say guys if you need a place to crash so you don’t have to drive Indo can buzz you into my flat, it was only a block away, but be careful the security guard can be a real dick,

So I crash, it was a good sleep to had a great dream me and some hot chic were totally getting….well I digress

So anyway I roll over and its like 3 in the morning and I don’t know why the hell I would wake up , but then I hear a bump and a giggle….

I tiptoe over to my door to take a peak as to who was here…not that I care just wondering….well you can guess

It was Indo and one of the girls from the club, not a bad looking one but she seemed off al night to me and I was never really sure why… Well indo is feeling he up and being the gentleman I am I know I should look away and let them have some fun but being the perv I am I stay to watch a little longer…that’s when I notice…she is packing and adams apple……OHHH SNAP

I almost opened the door there to save Indo the embarrassment of what might come out in a few minutes but then I remember how last time we were drinking he thought it would be funny to take a crap out of my window and it landed on my car…ha let him squirm

So I tuck off to bathroom attached to my bedroom and grab a drink of water, and anyone that has ever had a good night of drinking knows that can get you smashed again so I bumble back to bed and knock off to noon the next day, didn’t have the nice dream had one full of screaming and kept dreaming I was this dres and could only say please don’t, please don’t, please dont

I walk out to the living room expecting a horrible scared Indo to be passed out on my pull out couch bed, be he is not there

I grab my cell phone and notice that there is some funny red stuff on the carpet by the window to the fire escape, bastard must have spilled something, and head towards the kitchen to grab an English muffin and jam, I notice one of my kitchen knives is missing but I don’t remember and my towel draw seems a little light but oh well….

You know sorry I am digressing but anyways I call Indo and he is all jittery and such and tell him that I saw him last night with the she / he ..he is so busted and that I cant wait to tell the rest of the guys, especially Paul our one cop friend……

He freaked out an such and said he needs to talk to me first, I wasn’t really going to tell that is something you just do share about friends, so he wanted to know if I was home alone and if he could come by…

So there ya have it don’t go drinking with Indo or you might just have a mess to clean up and she/hes running around in your apartment

man I am going to tease him so bad when he gets here….ohhh speak of the devil!


mesoteto isn't actually making any of his stories up, he's just changing the names so the stories are about someone else, not him.

he is actually speaking from experience. dirty, depraved, personal experience. :X

Highwaystar101 said: trashleg said that if I didn't pay back the money she leant me, she would come round and break my legs... That's why people call her trashleg, because she trashes the legs of the people she loan sharks money to.