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Forums - PC Discussion - PS3 using Computer monitor please help.

So I connected My PS3 to my Computer monitor using HDMI/DVI cable. My two questions are:


1)Why does it not support 1080i/1080p

2) How can I get sound?


I would appreciate a soluiton very much. I figured this was the best place to ask. Thanks and Happy Holidays!

Don't Worry.....Be Happy


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DVI is audio only. Use one of the other audio outputs.

Also, is your monitor 1080p capable?

The rEVOLution is not being televised

Viper1 said:
DVI is video only. Use one of the other audio outputs.

Also, is your monitor 1080p capable?

Fix'd. I think you use standard PS2 cables for the audio - or an optical cable - depending on your stereo setup.


Elite1 said:

1)Why does it not support 1080i/1080p


What is your monitor? Standard/wide-screen, max resolution, LCD/CRT?


Looks like we have another victim of HDCP.

For ps3 you need monitor accepting HDCP signal otherwise it will go into low resolution mode.

Maybe try over component if your monitor accepts it,