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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Dutch news program claims PS3's just stop working

Last night, the Dutch news program Radar ran a special about the PS3.  They claimed that after a year, the Blu Ray drive(or, as Radar calls it, "the DVD player of the PS3") just stops working.  Radar insisted that Sony should increase the warranty because of the hefty €600 price tag of the console.

Radar's evidence of the PS3's problem were the 300 reports it received from PS3 owners in the Netherlands.  Unlike their rival Dutch network Kassa, who broke the news on the 360's disc scratching problem, Radar didn't call upon any hardware specialists or do any lab tests.

Sony responded that of the 250,000 PS3 owners, they had received only 68 calls about problems from consumers in the Netherlands.  Sony insisted the PS3 defect rate was well with in industry standards.

To read the less controversial online synopsis of the show, check Radar's official site


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damn, only a 0,0252% failure rate?
Thats pretty good.
Even 300 out of 250 000 is only 0,12% failure rate.
I wonder what the MS and the Wii one is there?

Proud Sony Rear Admiral

Radar reports every small claim and blows it to epic proportions. They should stick to their field of expertise (insurance issues) instead of making unfounded items they have zero proof off.

Also, things tend to break outside of warranty. Shit happens, we Dutch people are extremely rich and complain too much about the status of our enormous wealth.

PSN name: Gazz1979 (feel free to add me, but please put your Vgchartz name in the message!)

Battlefield 2: Gazz1979


not all ps3 have this problem and according to sony its being fixed a awhile ago. and sony does accept to fix them after warranty.

they did to my and squilliam, if i recall correctly.

Gazz said:
Radar reports every small claim and blows it to epic proportions. They should stick to their field of expertise (insurance issues) instead of making unfounded items they have zero proof off.

Also, things tend to break outside of warranty. Shit happens, we Dutch people are extremely rich and complain too much about the status of our enormous wealth.


That, and I know for a fact the Dutch people are not stupid and will see straight though this particular Radar pile of horsecrap.

Proud Sony Rear Admiral

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meh, what a waster of an article

Meh everyone knows ps3's are rock solid this is just standard defect rates


My parents saw this and said something about my PS3... But I tried to tell them it's bullshit and that I just 'know' the failure rate of PS3's is well below the point where people should start complaining!

I like how it's always the Dutch complaining though! First about the X360 and now the PS3. (The first rightfully). Because they want to get a good enough experience back for their money! We Dutch people are extremely wealthy yet still watch our money! Which you could argue is a bit sad but I think sometimes it's the right way! We don't take bullshit! Because of us (as in, The Dutch), the EU made Microsoft pay a 500 million euro pay-off to fix EVERYONE's problems and force em to up the warranty of the X360 to 3 years. 


Gazz said:
Radar reports every small claim and blows it to epic proportions. They should stick to their field of expertise (insurance issues) instead of making unfounded items they have zero proof off.

Also, things tend to break outside of warranty. Shit happens, we Dutch people are extremely rich and complain too much about the status of our enormous wealth.


 sounds like America. ppl always complaining they are broke but somehow have the money to go out to clubs, movies, spend thousands on new clothers, rims for their cars.

if your really broke you shouldn't be buying anything but necessary thing such as food and paying bills.

FPSrules said:
Gazz said:
Radar reports every small claim and blows it to epic proportions. They should stick to their field of expertise (insurance issues) instead of making unfounded items they have zero proof off.

Also, things tend to break outside of warranty. Shit happens, we Dutch people are extremely rich and complain too much about the status of our enormous wealth.


 sounds like America. ppl always complaining they are broke but somehow have the money to go out to clubs, movies, spend thousands on new clothers, rims for their cars.

if your really broke you shouldn't be buying anything but necessary thing such as food and paying bills.

Who says Dutch people are broke and keep spending?!... We are not like Americans... Americans live above their wealth! Their national debt is so large that if/when the US government wanted to pay it of it had to claim 30.000$ of every US citizen! We, the Dutch, have a national debt which is one of the largest within the EU! Well within good standards!... We don't spend too much! We just have a lot to spend but still watch every $.