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Last night, the Dutch news program Radar ran a special about the PS3.  They claimed that after a year, the Blu Ray drive(or, as Radar calls it, "the DVD player of the PS3") just stops working.  Radar insisted that Sony should increase the warranty because of the hefty €600 price tag of the console.

Radar's evidence of the PS3's problem were the 300 reports it received from PS3 owners in the Netherlands.  Unlike their rival Dutch network Kassa, who broke the news on the 360's disc scratching problem, Radar didn't call upon any hardware specialists or do any lab tests.

Sony responded that of the 250,000 PS3 owners, they had received only 68 calls about problems from consumers in the Netherlands.  Sony insisted the PS3 defect rate was well with in industry standards.

To read the less controversial online synopsis of the show, check Radar's official site