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Forums - Sony Discussion - Blu-ray taking Europe by storm! ~Positive Sony News~

flagship - hate to break it to you but the format is actually selling. I know it must pain. Were you an HDDVD supporter? I'd hate blu-ray as much as you too if my format of choice got wiped clean outta the war so early

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leo-j said:
I like this thread mainly because of its pics



Wow, BluRay + PS3 manage to outsell a format that's a decade old and one everyone already owns

I bet most people already have 2 or 3 DVD capapable players.

I have:


xbox 360

TIVO dvd player

2 PCs

1 Laptop

2 DVD/player surround sound systems

2 dvd players (pluss one more in a box)

Yet, today, America's leaders are reenacting every folly that brought these great powers [Russia, Germany, and Japan] to ruin -- from arrogance and hubris, to assertions of global hegemony, to imperial overstretch, to trumpeting new 'crusades,' to handing out war guarantees to regions and countries where Americans have never fought before. We are piling up the kind of commitments that produced the greatest disasters of the twentieth century.
 — Pat Buchanan – A Republic, Not an Empire

Tyrannical said:

Wow, BluRay + PS3 manage to outsell a format that's a decade old and one everyone already owns

I bet most people already have 2 or 3 DVD capapable players.

I have:


xbox 360

TIVO dvd player

2 PCs

1 Laptop

2 DVD/player surround sound systems

2 dvd players (pluss one more in a box)

Luckily for me, my PS3 also plays DVD


Proud Sony Rear Admiral

Tyrannical said:

Wow, BluRay + PS3 manage to outsell a format that's a decade old and one everyone already owns

I bet most people already have 2 or 3 DVD capapable players.

I have:


xbox 360

TIVO dvd player

2 PCs

1 Laptop

2 DVD/player surround sound systems

2 dvd players (pluss one more in a box)


lol,,,just accept it ,,,anything positive for sony/PS3 gets on your nerve like hell,,,,even some other 360 fanboys don't spin a postive news for PS3/Sony like you do.



I mean in every freaking positive news you are there with a spin.


don't you feel a bit dizzy yourself?




Around the Network
Max King of the Wild said:
flagship - hate to break it to you but the format is actually selling. I know it must pain. Were you an HDDVD supporter? I'd hate blu-ray as much as you too if my format of choice got wiped clean outta the war so early

This and Agreed. +2

SpartanFX said:
Tyrannical said:

Wow, BluRay + PS3 manage to outsell a format that's a decade old and one everyone already owns

I bet most people already have 2 or 3 DVD capapable players.

I have:


xbox 360

TIVO dvd player

2 PCs

1 Laptop

2 DVD/player surround sound systems

2 dvd players (pluss one more in a box)


lol,,,just accept it ,,,anything positive for sony/PS3 gets on your nerve like hell,,,,even some other 360 fanboys don't spin a postive news for PS3/Sony like you do.



I mean in every freaking positive news you are there with a spin.


don't you feel a bit dizzy yourself?


This and Agreed aswell. +2 people seem to be use to negative news about sony and blu-ray, and im here to provide and prove them wrong. :P HOLY CRUSADE FTW!!! XD

Tyrannical said:

Wow, BluRay + PS3 manage to outsell a format that's a decade old and one everyone already owns

I bet most people already have 2 or 3 DVD capapable players.

I have:


xbox 360

TIVO dvd player

2 PCs

1 Laptop

2 DVD/player surround sound systems

2 dvd players (pluss one more in a box)

Uhm, the blu-ray didn't aim to beat the DVD, it aimed to beat HD-DVD. Blue-Ray itself IS  DVD. HD-DVD is a format which enables movied to be watched in higher quality. Blu-Ray does just that and more.


There is a BluRay player for 180 Euros advertised in Germany. No wonder it starts selling.

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Really? I'm European, almost all my friends cares about tech and I don't know One person with a Blu-Ray player that isn't a PS3. I've hardly ever seen a Blu-Ray movie in a private home. It's like noone gives a fuck.