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Forums - Sony Discussion - Sleeper hits of 2009 (Playstation 3 only)

2009 is almost there (happy new year!) and we're all focus on kz2, Uncharted 2, yakuza 3, FFXIII and many others, but I'd like to point some games that could turn into triple A games IMO. I post them right in the other post (can't make paragraphs in the initial one Oo)

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- Infamous: good graphics, good physics, sucker punch: what else?

- The agency: the game's been under developpement for so long that it could turn into a AAA game (or not...).

- The next Batman game: beautifull graphics, popular franchise.

- DC online: don't really know what to say, the game impressed me at last E3.

- Ghost busters: the video game: don't really know about this one, but the game looks polished.

- Twisted metal (cactus).

- Heavy rain (makingmusic476).

What do u think about these games? Do you see other potential sleeper hits?

I think all those will bomb.

I guess my sleeper hit would be LOTR: Conquest.

Twisted Metal

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Cactus said:
Twisted Metal




I'd probably have to say InFamous.  Maybe Heavy Rain, though I'm certain it won't sell very well.

I see the upcoming Aliens game being pretty decent. The Batman Arkham Asylum should be good. Killzone 2 will prolly be  decent but most likely get a "meh" reaction simular to Haze...remember how awesome that was supposed to be?And dont forget Lair?..uggh

Cactus said:
Twisted Metal


 Damn are they redoing Twisted Metal? God I hope they do it right, I loved that franchise on the PS1

Currently dreaming of: DKC4 or Sonic the Hedgehog 4 (classic 2D platformers) for WiiWare, Smash Bros. for DSi, New Super Mario World for DSi, a Wii remake or true sequel of Final Fantasy Tactics.

One down, hopefully more awesomeness to come.

I have to admit that I am not familiar with everything on the list because I do not follow Ps3 games as closely. The ps3 is my brothers, and he prefers jrpgs. I help him look up upcoming rpg games, but sometimes miss the others.

Most of the games on your list sound like known characters, franchises, or well-known projects. A sleeper hit is by definition a quiet seller that builds over time. Any of those games can be successful, but they would probably be bigger sales games than what I would think of as a "sleeper hit." I fully admit the caveat that it could just be my own definition. I see the PSN as a better source of sleeper titles. the right game can catch on be a very popular download without huge sales charts or fanfare.

"But as always, technology refused to be dignity's bitch."--Vance DeGeneres

I have a feeling DC Universe is going to end up being HUGE, The Agency also has a ton of potential. I have a feeling Heavy Rain will end up being critically acclaimed although wont have a large following. Batman, who knows with that one, I have a feeling it will bomb personally though. Twisted Metal will most likely be gobbled up by a ton of the previous fans as well as more, thus doing well. Ghostbusters... well yeah that will more than likely bomb as well.