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Forums - General Discussion - Resistance's Nathan Hale: Which actor could fit the roll?

The title's self explanitory.  I've had this talk with my gf because we're huge Resistance fan. Seeing how Halo is in the possibily of making a film, why not Sony films to make Resistance eh? Well my gf and i thought maybe Vin Diesel would make a good Nathan Hale.  Seeing as how Vin is also big on video games why not lol. Any other thoughts or different opinions of actors that you'd think play/look the role of Nathan Hale?

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maybe if he gets good at acting.

and loose some weight.

lolll ya i didnt really think much of his acting

I've Never played the Resistance games and know nothing about the main character. That said; Nathan Fillion would be perfect for the role.

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Low-personality, low-hair, high-manliness actors aren't quite as common as video game characters fitting the description, but I'm sure they'd still find someone. =P

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stof said:
I've Never played the Resistance games and know nothing about the main character. That said; Nathan Fillion would be perfect for the role.

You just picked him because of the name, didn't you? ^^

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V-r0cK said:

The title's self explanitory.  I've had this talk with my gf because we're huge Resistance fan. Seeing how Halo is in the possibily of making a film, why not Sony films to make Resistance eh? Well my gf and i thought maybe Vin Diesel would make a good Nathan Hale.  Seeing as how Vin is also big on video games why not lol. Any other thoughts or different opinions of actors that you'd think play/look the role of Nathan Hale?


sony could easily make a movie of resistance. they have their own movie studios aka Sony Pictures and own the IP to resistance.

im not sure who should act it

I was thinking Vin. Not too many bald white actors out there that I can think of.

SHMUPGurus said:
stof said:
I've Never played the Resistance games and know nothing about the main character. That said; Nathan Fillion would be perfect for the role.

You just picked him because of the name, didn't you? ^^



No, because he's awesome.

I'm a mod, come to me if there's mod'n to do. 

Chrizum is the best thing to happen to the internet, Period.

Serves me right for challenging his sales predictions!

Bet with dsisister44: Red Steel 2 will sell 1 million within it's first 365 days of sales.