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Forums - Sales Discussion - I think Lips will sell a million by years end

Lips is awesome. Everyone who comes over and plays it has a blast. Same thing with Your In The Movies. These are word of mouth games.


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I dont think it will, but here in the UK its having the hell marketed out of it!

I hope my 360 doesn't RRoD
         "Suck my balls!" - Tag courtesy of Fkusmot

colonelstubbs said:
I dont think it will, but here in the UK its having the hell marketed out of it!

Same in Ireland.

OT Maybe I was being a bit optomistic with the million but I reckon it is going to be big.






colonelstubbs said:
I dont think it will, but here in the UK its having the hell marketed out of it!


 It has an advert with the aha song. It is no different from every other game being advertised on tv, you got LBP adverts everywhere, Resistance 2,Motorstorm, Prince of Persia, Gears 2, Singstar Abba etc.. in comparison to everything else it is no different. The only game i think that is having "the hell marketed out of it" is LBP, it is on every 5 mins or so and has gigantic posters all over London.

3 weeks left in the year and last tracking week it sold 130k. Next set of data is the peak week where at the most it'll sell 200k which will put it at 540k. Then at the most in the following weeks it'll sell what it sold in its peak week which would put it 740k. That is the maximum with the minimum being 600k. It will not reach a million by the end of the year.