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Forums - Gaming Discussion - My RE5 Demo Impressions

Onyxmeth said:

minus the odd zombie that'll just stand at the doorway and do nothing.


I think they should actually make use of that.

Not all enemies has to run after the player.

They could simple be there to trick the player into wasting ammo. A decoy kind of enemies.

Give enemies different (or random) behaviour and make the game more interesting.

Even better is to randomize every time so you won't know which ones are idle.

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LordTheNightKnight said:
"- The controls were quite annoying, I didn't like them"

In what way? My bother has a 360, but not an XBL service, so we can't try the demo.


I just felt like my hands were all over the controller, going from one place to another which made it difficult to move quickly, shoot, change weapons, heal, or anything in a small amount of time.

I AM used to the PS3 controller, cause I have a PS3 and not a 360, so that might be why...


and @ KylieDog

I know they're not "zombies," like in RE4 they weren't zombies, but they still felt like them IMO in 4, but in this one they feel like people. Normal people. That's one reason why I felt it wasn't scary.

"I AM used to the PS3 controller, cause I have a PS3 and not a 360, so that might be why..."

The only difference is the placement of the analog sticks and the looser d-pad. So your hands going all over the controller would be due to the control setup.

And if it was based on the RE4 controls, that shouldn't happen. What are the controls for the demo?

A flashy-first game is awesome when it comes out. A great-first game is awesome forever.

Plus, just for the hell of it: Kelly Brook at the 2008 BAFTAs