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Forums - Gaming Discussion - My RE5 Demo Impressions

I was finally able to play the demo on my friends 360, and it was just about exactly what I expected.



- Improved graphics

- I was using my knife a lot more than I used it in RE4, so this feels more like a survival horror than it used to

- Overall, the system worked quite well



- The system felt like a carbon copy of RE4's, with little added

- Though the game seems more like a survival horror, there was still way too much ammo you could find, and it wasn't scary at all

- The zombies didn't feel like zombies...

- The controls were quite annoying, I didn't like them


Does anyone but me have hopes that this game has returned to the RE roots?

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as expected...didn't think ANYTHING would change...guess it's beocme a 3rd person shooter with knifing abilites..

(CoD4 3rd person?!?!?!?CONFIRMED?!?!?!)

yeah...well..nothing new..sadly

Hmmmm.....seems like what I expected. Still going to pick this puppy up come release day. I love the RE series. I too, wish it went back to it's roots. The originals used to scare the crap out of me.....the new route....not so much.

Is the demo on Live up only in Japan??

I got the demo but for some reason the xbox doesn't let me play it

Official Member of the Xbox 360 Squad 

So, I'll ask you this: if the game wasn't called Resident Evil, would you have liked it more?

Random game thought :
Why is Bionic Commando Rearmed 2 getting so much hate? We finally get a real game and they're not even satisfied... I'm starting to hate the gaming community so f****** much...

Watch my insane gameplay videos on my YouTube page!

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otoniel said:
I got the demo but for some reason the xbox doesn't let me play it


try signing off of your name thing first... whatever its called, then load it, thats what my friend had to do

Was it scary? If not then RE isnt what it used to be.



I tried and still won't let me play
I'll just wait for the demo release here in the states
I'm just intrigued by the demo that I want to play it now LOL

Official Member of the Xbox 360 Squad 

SHMUPGurus said:
So, I'll ask you this: if the game wasn't called Resident Evil, would you have liked it more?


not really, i dont know @_@

im on the edge about it.

and @ leo-j

nope, not scary so far :(

Well it may just be the demo (RE4 did have some scary moments), but ive figured that Capcom would go for a more action oriented approach, now that its a safe bet people will eat it up.